
Between 2009 and 2020, Josh published more than 10,000 blog posts. Here, you can access his blog archives.


What is my score on the Law Professor Narcissistic Delusion Home Quiz?

May 2nd, 2012

I got 127 points. Like a boss.

Constitutional Cover: The Upside-Down Constitution

May 2nd, 2012

Following up on my previous posts about books with pictures of the Constitution on the cover, I introduce Michael Greve (the newest member of the GMUSL faculty) and The Upside-Down Constitution.

What do FDR and Steve Jobs have in common?

May 2nd, 2012

This, apparently.

If all you want to see is Steve Jobs playfully portraying Franklin Delano Roosevelt – right down to the cigarette holder – here’s that short clip before we get to the longer version of the film that it’s taken from and an explanation:

Entitled “1944,” the almost 9-minute full version was Apple’s in-house takeoff on “1984,” the iconic first Macintosh TV ad that caused a sensation during that year’s Super Bowl. Set as a World War II tale of good vs. IBM, it is a broadcast-quality production (said to have cost $50,000) that was designed to fire up Apple’s international sales force at a 1984 meeting in Hawaii. A copy of “1944” was provided to me by one-time Apple employee Craig Elliott, now CEO of Pertino Networks, a cloud-computing startup located two blocks from Apple in Cupertino.

Elliott, who worked at Apple from 1985 to 1996, says he has “never seen (the film) anywhere else” and that there has been “no additional circulation” as far as he knows. I couldn’t find it online, either – the year 1984 was pre-World Wide Web, of course — which doesn’t mean it isn’t out there. Two snippets from “1944,” without any dialogue, do appear in another Jobs video – a photo-montage tribute to him made by Apple employees to mark his 30th birthday. After Jobs died last October, Elliott posted that birthday video to his Facebook page, from where it went viral before being knocked off the ‘Net by Sony Music Entertainment because it used a Bob Dylan song

I wonder if any Zunes were exiled to an internment camp?

Mother Lets 5-Year-Old Daughter Go Tanning In Tanning Booth

May 2nd, 2012

Willing to guess where this mother lives? I’ll give you a hint. It begins with New and ends with Jersey.

The New Jersey mother accused of allowing her 5-year-old daughter to use a tanning booth has denied the allegations after she was arrested and charged with second-degree child endangerment.

Although Patricia Krentcil doesn’t deny that the child has been to the tanning salon with her, she says daughter Anna suffered from outdoor sunburn.

“The pediatrician said that she’s got a little sunburn, but it was that only weekend we were out doing the gardening,” Krentcil, 44, said.

It was Anna’s school nurse who noticed she had a rash, and when the little girl told her it was from going tanning with her mother, the school notified child services. Krentcil said that while her daughter was in the room with her at the salon, she was never in the tanning booth.

“I never once in my life let me daughter, especially at that age, go into a tanning booth,” Krentcil said.

Update: Even Snooki, the Diva of the Garden State, thinks that shit cray:

Snooki told Extra, “That b**** is crazy…you are not supposed to take kids there. Everyone knows you are NOT supposed to take kids there.”

Justice Kagan thinks Kim Kardashian is “young, beautiful, superficial, manipulative [and] duplicitous.”

May 2nd, 2012

Well, at least when she sits on the Supreme Court of  Messina during the Shakespeare Theatre Company’s annual mock trial:

Weingarten said Hero is “clearly a one percenter,” who doesn’t need $30,000 florins per month, which Alito calculated as $5.6 million in U.S. dollars. She is “young, beautiful, superficial, manipulative [and] duplicitous,” the Steptoe partner said.

“Kim Kardashian?” asked Kagan, poking fun at the reality television star.

And speaking of party girls, RBG is totally living it up!

“Now, it’s time for champagne,” said Justice Ginsburg as she and her colleagues left the Supreme Court of Messina for an after party.