
Between 2009 and 2020, Josh published more than 10,000 blog posts. Here, you can access his blog archives.


The Paternalistic Galaxy

June 3rd, 2013

Yesterday, I finally put down my Droid Pro, which still had the unlimited 3G Data from Verizon. That phone was long past its prime. In it’s place, I upgraded to a brand new 4G Samsung Galaxy S4. So far, I love it. The screen is amazing, it is lightning fast, and the onscreen keyboard is not as bad as I thought. The battery life sucks, as expected, but I already bought two spare batteries, which I carry around with me wherever I go.

However, (so far) there are two paternalistic features I don’t like.

First, when the phone is fully charged, the screen lights up, and a notice pops up telling me to unplug the phone. As far as I can tell there is no way to disable this. This may seem like a useful feature that probably saves energy, but generally, the only time this message pops up is when I am sleeping. Last night, the bright light woke me up (yes, that stuff bothers me, as the AMOLED screen is super bright). And, in light of the crappy battery life, why would I unplug it overnight? When I woke up in the morning, it would be depleted. Anyone know how to stop this?

Second, it seems that whenever I plug in headphones, or my car’s auxiliary cable, it automatically drops the volume by half, and displays some message how it is not safe to play music loud with headphones. I don’t like this. Every time I get in my car to plug in my phone, the volume drops. Sure, it only takes a second to adjust the volume, but I don’t care for the fact that Samsung has decided what my ideal volume level is. Anyone know how to stop this?


Obama’s Constitutionalism

February 12th, 2013

I have previously commented on President Obama’s willingness to cite the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence–particularly in his inaugural address. This is a theme I build on at some length in my book, where I document how the President repeatedly asserted popular constitutionalist ideals in his defense of his Affordable Care Act.

Simon Lazarus writes in The New Republic that in his second term, President Obama is finally wrapping himself in the Constitution.

Since his re-election, the president has not only pushed an unabashedly progressive policy agenda. Less noted, but more novel, he has grounded his political case for that aggressive agenda in the “enduring strength of the Constitution” and the ideals of its framers. Largely ignored on the left, Obama’s out-of-the-box tack has provoked ire on the right. Last week, the Republicans’ top Senate Judiciary Committee member, Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa, delivered a lengthy riposte to the constitutional brief Obama included in his January 16 opening pitch for strengthened gun regulation. “The president’s remarks,” Grassley complained, “turned the Constitution on its head.” Similarly miffed, Paul Ryan scolded Obama for “invoking the Constitution and Declaration” in his inaugural address, “sort of as a means to legitimize his very partisan, very ideological agenda.”

In his inaugural, Obama’s evident first goal was to knock down the claim endlessly reiterated by Ryan and his allies, that the 1789 Constitution mandated “small government,” incompatible with twentieth and twenty-first century progressive reforms. “The patriots of 1776,” he gibed, “did not fight to replace the tyranny of a king with the privileges of a few.” Hence, their vision, and the words they drafted to enact it, are hospitable to laws passed by subsequent generations, as they have “discovered that a free market only thrives when there are rules to ensure competition and fair play.” In addition to this populist thrust, the president offered a second originalist rationale for activist government. Government power, he argued, is often necessary to give real-life meaning to the individual rights prescribed by the Declaration and the Constitution: “While these truths may be self-evident, they’ve never been self-executing . . . . [P]reserving our individual freedoms ultimately requires collective action.”

During his first term, the Tea Party owned the constitutional narrative. Let’s see if Obama can reclaim it during the second term.

Thus, in addition to yoking contemporary progressive goals to the vision of the Revolutionary War generation, Obama’s emergent constitutional canon appears bent on revitalizing a cornerstone of the Civil War era’s—more unequivocally progressive—vision. Indeed, he seems already to have sparked an incipient dialogue around that prospect.

By engaging the right on the meaning of the Constitution, Obama has broken new ground. For progressives, he has sketched a fresh template for countering their adversaries’ long-unanswered constitutional narrative.

Update: At the Text & History Blog, Si Lazarus graciously responds to my post.

Josh Blackman astutely observes, in this post and an earlier one, that President Obama’s rights-based defense of affirmative government connects to a long-running dialogue among philosophers, academics, and contemporary pundits and advocates on the Right (see Yuval Levin) and Left (see Garrett Epps) concerning “positive” and “negative” conceptions of liberty.

Especially interesting, Josh spotted this high-level dialectic behind the closing arguments in last year’s Affordable Care Act case by Solicitor General Donald Verrilli and opposing counsel Paul Clement—an important point that other observers, including me, completelyoverlooked.

Josh also nails the bottom-line regarding President Obama’s exposition of a progressive constitutional narrative: “During his first term, the Tea Party owned the constitutional narrative. Let’s see if Obama can reclaim it during the second term.”

ACS Live Blog – Healthcare after Reform: Opportunities, Implementation, and Challenges #ACS10

June 18th, 2010

11:15 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.
Healthcare after Reform: Opportunities, Implementation, and Challenges

I will be Live Blogging the ACS 2010 National Convention Today

June 18th, 2010

Update:For the liveblogs, please check out the home page at

Also, take a look at my post on the tone of the ACS v. the tone of the Federalist Society. The ACS leadership, which calls the Federalist Society’s philosophy a “noxious brew” strikes me as overly divisive.

Today I will be liveblogging the ACS 2010 National Convention. Please follow me on twitter @JoshBTweets or subscribe to my RSS Feed.

Here is a tentative schedule of the panels I will be liveblogging:

9:15 – 11:00 Plenary
  • Richard Cordray, Attorney General, State of Ohio
  • Mariano-Florentino (Tino) Cuéllar, Special Assistant to the President for Justice and Regulatory Policy, White House Domestic Policy Council.
  • John Podesta, President and Chief Executive Officer, Center for American Progress
  • Judge Richard A. Posner, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit Lois J. Schiffer, General Counsel for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
  • Damon A. Silvers, Director of Policy and Special Counsel, AFL-CIO

11:15 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.
Healthcare after Reform: Opportunities, Implementation, and Challenges

  • Jack M. Balkin, Professor of Law, Yale Law School
  • Randy E. Barnett, Carmack Waterhouse Professor of Legal Theory, Georgetown University Law Center
  • Lisalyn R. Jacobs, Vice President for Government Relations, Legal Momentum Simon Lazarus, Public Policy Counsel, National Senior Citizens Law Center Judith L. Lichtman, Senior Advisor, National Partnership for Women & Families Neera Tanden, Chief Operating Officer, Center for American Progress

1:15 – 2:30 p.m. Luncheon
Featuring Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano

2:45 – 4:15 p.m.
Breakout Sessions Technology, Change, and the Future of the Fourth Amendment

  • Susan A. Bandes, Professor of Law, DePaul University College of Law
  • Elizabeth E. Joh, Professor of Law, UC Davis School of Law
  • Orin S. Kerr, Professor of Law, George Washington University Law School
  • Jeffrey Rosen, Professor of Law, George Washington University Law School
  • Marc Zwillinger, Partner, Zwillinger Genetski LLP

5:30 – 6:30 p.m. Plenary *
Immigration Reform: Congress and the States

  • Antonia Hernández, President and Chief Executive Officer, California Community Foundation
  • Gabriel J. (Jack) Chin, Professor of Law, University of Arizona, James E. Rogers College of Law.
  • Thomas A. Saenz, President and General Counsel, MALDEF.
  • Mary Rose Wilcox, Supervisor, Maricopa County Board of Supervisors

Fortunately, I will be in good company, as many of the Volokh conspiratorswill be in attendance.

I will be Live Blogging the ACS 2010 National Convention

June 14th, 2010

This Friday I will be liveblogging the ACS 2010 National Convention. Please follow me on twitter @JoshBTweets or subscribe to my RSS Feed.

Here is a tentative schedule of the panels I will be liveblogging:

9:15 – 11:00 Plenary
Regulation in the Age of Obama
  • Richard Cordray, Attorney General, State of Ohio
  • Mariano-Florentino (Tino) Cuéllar, Special Assistant to the President for Justice and Regulatory Policy, White House Domestic Policy Council.
  • John Podesta, President and Chief Executive Officer, Center for American Progress
  • Judge Richard A. Posner, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit Lois J. Schiffer, General Counsel for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
  • Damon A. Silvers, Director of Policy and Special Counsel, AFL-CIO

11:15 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.
Healthcare after Reform: Opportunities, Implementation, and Challenges

1:15 – 2:30 p.m. Luncheon
Featuring Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano

2:45 – 4:15 p.m.
Breakout Sessions Technology, Change, and the Future of the Fourth Amendment

5:30 – 6:30 p.m. Plenary *
Immigration Reform: Congress and the States

Fortunately, I will be in good company, as many of the Volokh conspirators will be in attendance.