
Between 2009 and 2020, Josh published more than 10,000 blog posts. Here, you can access his blog archives.


Cato Daily Podcast: Little Sisters of the Poor Amicus Brief

August 26th, 2015

I am on today’s Cato Daily Podcast with Caleb Brown discussing the brief I authored with Ilya Shapiro on behalf of the Little Sisters of the Poor’s cert petition. You can listen here or download the file here. Also, I was recently selected as a Cato Adjunct Scholar, and now have a snazzy people page.

Jeb Bush on #SCOTUS Nominees: “Fight Like Hell” for Candidates “With Proven Record” of “Judicial Restraint”

August 26th, 2015

The Bush legacy on Supreme Court nominees is mixed. President George H.W. Bush, seeking to avoid a bruising confirmation battle, appointed the “stealth” David Souter, who turned out to be a consistent vote with the liberal bloc. But, he also appointed Clarence Thomas, who by several measures is the most conservative Justices in decades. President George W. Bush, presented with the opportunity to fill the Chief Justice position, chose John Roberts. Roberts, a long-time attorney in Republican administration, and the premier Supreme Court advocate of his day, had fastidiously avoided expressing his own views on the law–other than a brief stint on the D.C. Circuit. Bush’s second nomination, Harriet Miers (thankfully) went up in flames. The backup pick, Samuel Alito, was a safe, and reliable appointment, in light of Alito’s two-decades service on the Third Circuit.

So what lessons has presidential candidate Jeb Bush learned from the last-four Republican nominations to the Supreme Court, at the hands of his brother and father? They’re mixed. On the one hand, Bush seemingly learned the lesson of the Souter nomination–a lifetime Supreme Court appointment is so important, that a bruising political fight is well worth the cost. On the other hand, he didn’t learn the lesson of what it means to appoint a candidate with a record of “judicial restraint.”

In remarks in New Hampshire, Bush explained:

He said past presidents — whom he didn’t name, but the past two Republicans in the White House were his father and his brother — have picked people “that don’t have a proven record” because they’ve been too worried about facing an increasingly bloody Senate confirmation process.

“They wander, and you go, ‘How could that be?'” Mr. Bush said at a town hall meeting this month in Keene, New Hampshire.

“Because we’re in this partisan environment now where every one of these appointees, it’ll be a big huge fight, and so, I believe we need to have people of experience, of a proven record, a consistent judicial philosophy that you know because they’ve done it over and over and over again, and then you got to fight like hell to make sure they get passed, and that’s my pledge,” the former governor said.

He added during an interview with radio host and ConLaw prof Hugh Hewitt:

“And so I think you have to be all in to fight for people that have a record, because today in America, the minute you have a record, you’re subject to attack. But that’s the best way to prove that someone has a consistency in their view of, in terms of judicial philosophy.”

Yes, appointing candidates with records is essential. No more stealth candidates, hoping they can breeze through the hearing. Let’s focus on judges with paper trails, so we know how they approach the law. (See my writings here and here). The “nuclear option” left the fillibuster on the table for Supreme Court nominations, but we should not kid ourselves to think that is set in stone. Whichever party is in power next will strongly consider, and perhaps eliminate it, especially if it involves a replacement for Justice Kennedy.

But where Bush has not learned his lesson, is what kind of “proven record” he is looking for. Hewitt asked Bush about his criteria for a Justice:

“I think the way you do it is that you focus on people that are qualified to be Supreme Court justices that have a proven record of judicial restraint,”

He added that he wants:

people who have a “proven record of not legislating from the bench.”

His spokesperson made the point even more clearly:

“As evidenced by his record in Florida, Governor Bush would nominate and fight to confirm individuals with a clear, proven record grounded in strictly interpreting the law, not legislating from the bench, and adherence to the Constitution’s limits on government’s authority,” she said.

These are talking points that didn’t work 20 years ago, and they mean even less today than they did before. While Bush has learned his lesson from the Souter nomination, he has not gleaned any insights from the Roberts nomination. Roberts’s judicial restraint has led to his decisions in NFIB and King v. Burwell. In the former, he found that the individual mandate exceeded Congress’s powers under the commerce clause, but through the saving construction, he saved the law. In the latter, he found that the plain-meaning of the statute was “strong,” but that couldn’t have possibly been what Congress meant, so he saved the law. If it wasn’t entirely clear how he approaches the issue, the last paragraph of his King opinion made painfully clear that he would defer to Congress, and only the democratic process could do anything about it. Restrained, no? (My working theory on Roberts–who has venerated the Court for so long–is that his fidelity to the Supreme Court as an institution trumps his fidelity to the Constitution itself. He will only exercise the judicial role when he thinks the Court can weather the storm. His judgment has proved myopic–liberals are still outraged at Citizens United and Shelby County, and conservatives are still outraged at NFIB and King v. Burwell. I will develop this in more detail elsewhere).

Yet what does Bush say about Roberts, in light of his decisions in King v. Burwell and Obergefell.

“Well, I liked one of his rulings, and I didn’t like the other, but he is a person of unimpeachable integrity and great intelligence, and I’ve met him a few times. And he’s an impressive guy for sure.”

This is not reassuring for 2016. It isn’t clear Bush has considered the implications of how Roberts’ judicial restraint saved Obamacare not once, but twice. He should look closer to the other two Bush nominees–Thomas and Alito. Both ruled against Obamacare twice, and both followed their understanding of the Constitution and the statute. Would Bush call them activist judges that legislate from the bench?

The debate about “judicial restraint” and “engagement” never seems to end (and I’m sure this post will unleash a torrent of replies), but at a minimum, a Presidential candidate should actually understand what the phrase “judicial restraint” means, and how the Chief Justice’s minimalism has affected his votes. This is too important to screw up again.

(For purposes of full disclosure, I have been advising the Rand Paul campaign on various legal issues.)

William Rehnquist’s High School Yearbook

August 26th, 2015

I now have a copy of William Rehnquist’s 1942 High School Yearbook, The Copperdome, form Shorewood High School in Shorewood, Wisconsin. Though Rehnquist is most remembered as an Arizonan, he was born in Milwaukee. I also have a copy of Justice Scalia’s HS Yearbook and Justice Ginsburg’s College Yearbook.

It’s crazy to think he graduated barely 6 months after Pearl Harbor.


Rehnquist’s caption reads:

The favorite pastime of Bill, in and out of school, is cartooning. Lost to art however, he did become co-feature editor of the Ripples and was awarded the Quill and Scroll for his work there. A member of Student council, Hall monitors, and Hi-Y, Bill completed his list of extra curriculars.


Rehnquist was a lifelong Doodler, as revealed in his papers housed at Stanford:

The Rehnquist files do offer a few glimpses into the justice’s lighter side.

He had a habit of doodling faces in the margins of his law school notebooks, and a journal from 1948—the year he earned both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees—kept records of his poker winnings and expenditures.

Kyle Graham added:

(2) It also appears that Rehnquist liked to doodle, and in particular, that he enjoyed drawing portraits of now-obscure individuals in the margins of his notebooks. So, here’s a word of advice to you kids out there: Don’t pay attention in class, and you eventually will become Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court.


Here is his photograph from Hi-Y (second row, first from the left):


Here is his photograph as a Hall Monitor (top row, third from the left).


Rehnquist also wrote a signature to Dorothy, whose yearbook I now have. It reads:

Dorothy we’ve been through 2 years of [something] writing and four of home-room together – and it’s been fun. B. Rehnqusit.


Prop2 Class 4 – Marketable Title

August 26th, 2015

Today we will continue our discussion of the contract of sales with a focus on duty to disclose defects and the merger doctrine. The lecture notes are here.

Here is the Texas form listing all the required disclosures.

The New York Times and Atlas Obscura have good articles about the Haunted House.

The Ghost of Nyack | Atlas Obscura

The Times writes:

The phones have been ringing at real-estate offices in Rockland County. A patient in a psychiatric hospital called. So did a para-psychologist from Florida. And so did the Amazing Kreskin, all the way from his hotel room in Atlantic City.

That turreted turn-of-the-century Victorian house in Nyack is back on the market – the one that the owner says has not one, not two, but three ghosts. The one that was the subject of a court ruling last week.

There was nothing creepy about Justice Edward H. Lehner’s decision in State Supreme Court in Manhattan. He found that a would-be buyer, Jeffrey M. Stambovsky, could not back out of a $650,000 contract on the three-story clapboard house without losing his $32,500 down payment on it.

Mr. Stambovsky, who acknowledges that the contract expired after he skipped a scheduled closing last fall, had argued that no one warned him about any preternatural residents who, presumably, would not comply with ordinary eviction orders.

As for whether he will see the ghosts in Nyack – in 22 years, the owner, Helen V. Ackley, has seen only one.

”He was sitting in midair, watching me paint the ceiling in the living room, rocking and back forth,” she said. ”I was on an 8-foot stepladder. I asked if he approved of what we were doing to the house, if the colors were to his liking. He smiled and he nodded his head.”

Mrs. Ackley said one of the other ghosts would waltz into her daughter’s bedroom. ”We don’t know whether or not she was the one who woke the children up by shaking the bed,” she said.

Ghost No. 3 was a Navy lieutenant during the American Revolution. ”My son saw him eyeball to eyeball outside the basement door,” Mrs. Ackley said.

Atlas Obscura writes:

During the 1960s, the 7,000 residents of the tiny village knew that the 5,000 square foot house was haunted, but nobody bothered to tell the Ackley couple before they decided to move in.

Helen and George Ackley, who lived in the home for more than 20 years, reported that they had seen a ghost in the house on at least one occasion and that they would be awoken every morning by a shaking bed, but otherwise lived in peace with whatever spirits resided in their home. When they decided to move and sold the house in 1990, they didn’t bother to tell the new buyers about the ghost problem.

With $32,500 in escrow, Jeffrey and Patrice Stambovsky backed out of the contract when they learned that the house was haunted. When the Ackleys refused to refund the deposit, the Stambovskys sued, leading to what would come to be known as the “Ghostbusters” ruling. The New York Appellate court ruled that, because a routine home inspection would never uncover it, sellers must disclose that a house is haunted to potential buyers.

Here is a Google Map of the haunted house:

View Larger Map

There was at least one Texan who wanted a lease voided because the house was haunted. In some cases, a haunted house may actually increase the property value. Recently the Pennslyvania Supreme Court found that there was no duty for sellers to disclose there was a murder-suicide in the house. Also, the ABA Journal asks if spirits, slayings are “material defects.”

ConLaw Class 4 – The Legislative Powers

August 26th, 2015

The lecture notes are here.

The Legislative Powers

This is Chief Justice Warren E. Burger, who wrote the majority opinion in INS v. Chadha.


This is Jagdish Chadha.

Jagdish Rai Chadha


Justice Louis Powell authored a concurring opinion.


Justice White dissented.


The City of New York was led, at the time by Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who opposed President Clinton’s usage of the “Line Item Veto.”


The majority opinion was authored by Justice John Paul Stevens.


Justice Anthony Michael Kennedy concurred.


Justice Stephen G. Breyer dissented, in part.


Justice Antonin Scalia dissented, in other parts.


Nixon v. GSA concerned President Nixon’s attempts to keep secret tapes he recorded privately in the White House.
