Class 4 – 1/24/17
The Capture Rule: Oil and Gas
- Capture and Other Resources: 36-40
Acquisition by Creation
- Acquisition by creation, 56-57
- International News Service v. Associated Press, 57-61
- Notes, 61-64
- Copyright, 64-65
- Patent, 76-77
- Trademarks, 83
Today we will finish the rule of capture, with a discussion on oil and gas, and other “fugitives.” Then, we move onto acquisiton by creation.
The lecture notes are here.
Oil & Gas
And, “I drink your milkshake.”
Here are some pics illustrating slant drilling. One of which may be from a cartoon.
You can learn more about the Manziel family and oil here.
International News Service v. Associated Press
The International News Service was owned by the famous publisher and Yellow Journalist William Randolph Hearst.
The majority opinion was written by Justice Mahlon Pitney. He was Christopher Reeve’s (Superman!) great-grandfather. He was a pretty non-noteworthy justice.
The author of the dissent, Justice Brandeis, was a big deal.
Cheney Brothers v. Doris Silk Corp
This opinion was authored by 2nd Circuit Judge Learned Hand, the greatest judge never to sit on the Supreme Court. Yes that was his name, Learned Hand. Actually his full name is Billings Learned Hand, but in college he started going by Learned. Learned’s cousin, Augustus, was also on the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals.
Here is an awesome video of Hand signing.