I am honored to announce that Cambridge University Press will publish my next book, “Unraveled: Obamacare, Religious Liberty, & Executive Power.” If everything goes to plan, the book will be released in September 2016, right before the beginning of the October 2016 term, and before the next presidential election. Unraveled will pick up where Unprecedented left off–in January 2013, and tell the story of the ACA’s second Act. The book will be book-ended by Hobby Lobby, King v. Burwell, and Little Sisters of the Poor, but also chronicle Obama’s political intrigues since its inception. In many respects, Unraveled fills in a lot of the gaps from Unprecedented–events that didn’t seem relevant years ago, that became much more relevant in light of later events.
Here is the current table of contents–note that the last few chapters remain to be written in light of whatever the Court does in Little Sisters, and what happens with the Presidential primaries between now and July 5, 2016 (my final submission date for final chapters). See if you can figure out what the chapters are about based on the title.
Part I: The Promise of Obamacare (1/20/09 – 6/28/12)
Chapter 1: If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance.
Chapter 2: Federal and state exchanges
Chapter 3: Life and Religious Liberty
Part II: Conscience and Contraception (6/29/12 – 5/1/13)
Chapter 4: The Contraception Mandate
Chapter 5: Election Slowdown
Chapter 6: Religious Liberty in the Courts
Part III: Shutdown (5/21/13 – 9/30/13)
Chapter 7: Exchanges “established by the state”
Chapter 8: Tea Party Summer
Chapter 9: Train Wreck
Chapter 10: Filibuster
Part IV: Obamacare Unravels (10/1/13 – 12/30/13)
Chapter 11: Lights Out
Chapter 12: Cancelled
Chapter 13: Regulation by blog post
Chapter 14: Crashing into the Deadline
Part V: Religious Liberty (12/31/13 – 7/21/14)
Chapter 15: New Year’s Resolution
Chapter 16: Substantial Burden
Chapter 17: Glitch
Chapter 18: Between two ferns
Chapter 19: Corporate Prayer
Chapter 20: Notorious RBG
Part VI: Nuclear Fallout (7/22/14 – 11/21/14)
Chapter 21: Circuit Split
Chapter 22: Dueling Petitions
Chapter 23: Sue the President
Part VII: Subsidizing Obamacare (11/22/14 – 6/26/15)
Chapter 24: Grubergate
Chapter 25: King v. Burwell
Chapter 26: Gridlock
Chapter 27: Unravel the fabric
Chapter 28: Improve, don’t Destroy
Part VIII: The Nuns (6/27/15 – 6/30/16)
Chapter 29-33: To be concluded.