My Presentations at AALS 2016 Annual Meeting

January 5th, 2016

I will be speaking on two panels at the AALS 2016 Annual Meeting.

On Friday, at 1:30, I will be speaking on the Constitutional Law Section panel. The topic is “Resistance and Recognition.” I will be discussing my work on Gridlock and Executive Power.  The panel will also include:

  • Speaker: Erwin Chemerinsky, University of California, Irvine School of Law
  • Speaker: Charlton C. Copeland, University of Miami School of Law
  • Moderator: Martha L. Minow, Harvard Law School
  • Speaker: Rachel F. Moran, University of California, Los Angeles School of Law
  • Speaker: Mr. Robert Nelson, American Bar Foundation

Here is the description:

With the Supreme Court reaching a tipping point in terms of its composition, and the Court’s opinions renegotiating the parameters of reproductive justice, racial justice and same-sex marriage under the 14th Amendment, voting rights, political equality, and the scope of federal authority relative to state authority, our goal with this program is to create a space to discuss the overall issue of resistance and recognition. What does resistance and recognition mean? Are they even possible, and if so, under what conditions? Are we limited to the forms of resistance and request for recognition pursued in the Civil Rights Era? Does resistance require direct negation of government policy, regulation, or structures? Or can/should we expand our understanding to include things like a transvaluation of constitutional memory or a reconstruction of subjectivity as a means to assert rights for recognition under the Constitution? The participants in this panel will offer a variety of perspectives on thinking about resistance and recognition under the Constitution. The larger aim of the panel is to open up a conversation about the possibilities for the formation of a discourse of resistance and recognition under the Constitution in the 21st century.

On Saturday at 11:00, I will be giving a presentation at the Federalist Society Faculty Conference, which for the first time is advertised alongside the AALS programs. Here are the details of the jam-packed panel:

7 Minute Presentations of Works in Progress Panel 2-A
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Liberty 4, Third Floor

Moderator: Prof. Stephen E. Sachs, Duke University School of Law
Prof. Josh Blackman, South Texas College of Law: “Collective Liberty”
Prof. Adam Candeub, Michigan State University College of Law: “The Administrative State Ideology and the Constitution”
Prof. Christopher Green, University of Mississippi School of Law: “Clarity and Reasonable Doubt in Early State-Constitutional Judicial Review”
Prof. Earl Maltz, Rutgers Law School: “Originalism, the Reapportionment Cases, and Democratic Theory”
Prof. Irina Manta, Hofstra University Maurice A. Deane School of Law &Prof. Cassandra Robertson, Case Western Reserve University School of Law: “Secret Jurisdiction”
Prof. James Phillips, Law Clerk, Utah Supreme Court; Mr. Daniel Ortner, Law Clerk, Utah Supreme Court; Hon. Thomas R. Lee, Associate Justice, Utah Supreme Court: “Corpus Linguistics and Original Public Meaning: A New Tool to Make Originalism More Empirical”
Prof. Shruti Rajagopalan, SUNY Purchase College: “Political Entrepreneurship and Amendments to the Indian Constitution”

If you are in New York, I hope to see you there!