
Between 2009 and 2020, Josh published more than 10,000 blog posts. Here, you can access his blog archives.


Higher Deductibles Under Obamacare May Make People Forgo Preventive Care

September 22nd, 2015

The New York Times reports that since 2010, a “very powerful trend” in the cost of deductibles:

Four of five workers who receive their insurance through an employer now pay a deductible, in which they must pay some of their medical bills before their coverage starts, according to Kaiser.

Those workers have seen their deductibles climb from a yearly average of $900 in 2010 for an individual plan to more than $1,300 this year, while employees working for small businesses have an even higher average of $1,800 a year. One in five workers has a deductible of $2,000 or more.

You need to read down till paragraph eight before there is a mention of the Affordable Care Act, though it is not named, referred to only as “the federal health care law.” (The moniker “affordable” would be particularly inapt here).

While the Kaiser survey examines plans provided by employers, Mr. Altman said many of the insurance policies being sold under the federal health care law through the state exchanges also rely on high deductibles to keep premiums low. Some employers also increased the size of their deductibles to reduce the higher costs associated with the law.

The law may be prompting even more changes by companies, in order to have workers shoulder more of their medical costs.

It is not surprising that when you decrease how much an insurer can charge for premiums, they will recoup the cost with higher deductibles. Indeed, the article references the rapidly-approaching Cadillac Tax. Employers will soon drop benefits, and make deductibles higher to avoid the tax:

The prospect of the so-called Cadillac tax, a new tax created under the law on high-price health plans, is causing more companies to consider changes like increasing the size of their employees’ deductibles. The tax, which is expected to go into effect in 2018 but faces widespread opposition, could change the steady increase in deductibles into a “spurt,” Mr. Altman said.

There is a cost, of course, to all of this–people will “forgo care” if the deductible is too high:

But asking employees to cover more of their medical bills through high deductibles raises questions about whether some workers, especially those with expensive, chronic conditions, are being discouraged from seeking the care they need. …

What concerns policy experts and employers is evidence that higher deductibles are making people forgo care, even when they have serious conditions. …

Forty percent of people with private health insurance whose deductible equaled 5 percent or more of their income said they had decided not to go to the doctor when they were sick or had chosen not to get a test or go to a specialist, according to the survey.

As I noted earlier today, regardless of who sits in the White House in 2017, the Affordable Care Act will remain a lingering and pressing issue.


Democratic Support for ObamaCare Begins to Fracture: Clinton to Oppose Cadillac Tax

September 22nd, 2015

One of the points I am developing in Unraveled is that as we approach 2017, whoever is sitting in the White House will have to make serious decisions about how to alter Obamacare. The law, as it stands now, will be politically and economically unsustainable. One of the key decisions which I’ve chronicled at length focuses on the so-called “Cadillac Tax,” which puts a heavy excise on most generous health insurance plans. This will result in millions of Americans losing their policies, and being thrown onto the Obamacare exchanges. We’ve already seen some cracks forming on the left, as unions and other groups that depend on lavish health insurance plans, are pushing for its repeal. The New York Times has already editorialized in opposition to its repeal, explaining the law would be economically unsustainable without the funding provided by the Cadillac Tax.

Now Democratic-nominee Hillary Clinton has joined the fray.

Hillary Clinton will seek to align herself with ObamaCare’s successes and use it to attack the GOP on Tuesday as she begins to map out her long-awaited healthcare agenda.

The effort could also lead to a public break with the Obama administration on healthcare for the first time.

After months of delivering nothing but praise for ObamaCare, Clinton is expected to weigh in – and oppose – one of the law’s most controversial taxes: the so-called “Cadillac” tax.

If she joins her 2016 Democratic rivals in calling for the repeal of the tax on generous healthcare plans, she will distance herself from most ObamaCare supporters but also unlock key endorsements from unions that staunchly oppose it.

Clinton will drop the first details of her healthcare plan during a campaign event in Iowa on Tuesday, part of a two-day, three-state tour. Her speech will come a few weeks after hinting that she has concerns with the tax earlier this summer.

Clinton hinted earlier this summer that she was weighing a repeal of the excise tax “as currently structured,” which would charge companies if their benefits exceeds $10,200 for an individual or $27,500 for a family.

The controversial tax, which has been repeatedly delayed, is still three years away from implementation. It is increasingly drawing opposition from union groups and Democrats in areas like New England and the West Coast, where health insurance costs are higher.

“I worry that it may create an incentive to substantially lower the value of the benefits package and shift more and more costs to consumers,” Clinton wrote in response to questions from the American Teacher’s Federation this summer.


Bernie Sanders has also supported repealing the Cadillac Tax.

The article explains that Democrats remained hush about the Cadillac Tax years ago, but now that the law is settled, they can come out in opposition.

Four years ago, hardly any Democrats publicly supported repealing the Cadillac tax for fear it would spur on efforts to repeal the entire law. Now, the lobbyist believes the law is more cemented, and Democrats can afford to vocally oppose the most onerous pieces of the law.

“I think the thing that’s different now than it was four years ago is that the future of the [Affordable Care Act] is not in question. This isn’t about repealing the ACA,” she said.

Still, the Obama administration has fiercely opposed the repeal effort, arguing that there is no other way to fill the $87 million budget hole.

Eliminating the Cadillac Tax would pose a far greater funding crisis than the elimination of the individual or employer mandates–the law would lose billions of funding, and render any estimates of CBO budget neutrality an absolute farce.

Update: Fittingly, on Face the Nation, candidate Clinton repeated that the “debate over the Affordable Care Act is over.”

DICKERSON: And you’re going to talk about Obamacare this week, support it.

CLINTON: Yes, I am.

DICKERSON: What is the big new proposal you’re going to offer?

CLINTON: Well, first, let me say that it’s time that we say that the debate over the Affordable Care Act is over. The Supreme Court has twice upheld it, yet the Congress has voted more than 50 times to repeal it.

Let’s get beyond that. Enough is enough. And we need to strengthen it, not scrap it. It is the core of how we’re going to provide health care to Americans going forward, the 16 million.

But there are other benefits to it that people who are not on the exchanges are being able to take advantage of. You know, 158 million American women are no longer charged more for health care because of our gender. Young people can stay on their parents’ policies until they’re 26.

If you have a preexisting condition, insurance companies can’t shut you out. We have a lot of positives. But there are issues that need to be addressed. I’m going to address them this week, starting with how we’re going to try to control the cost of skyrocketing prescription drugs. It’s something that I hear about wherever I go. It’s part of the plan I will be rolling out in the next few days.

It isn’t. Not by a long shot.

Update: Here are the specifics from her speech:

After months of giving ObamaCare policies nothing but praise, Clinton criticized the law for the first time Tuesday, while revealing some details about how she plans to go beyond it.

“The cost of prescription drugs went up by over 12 percent last year. Meanwhile, other out-of-pocket costs are growing to, and insurance companies just keep raising the premiums,” she said. “For a lot of families, it doesn’t feel that healthcare costs are coming under control.”


Justice Alito Reflects on his Tenth Anniversary on #SCOTUS

September 21st, 2015

During the Federalist Society’s Texas Chapters Conference, Justice Alito reflected on his decade on the Court. He spoke about Obergefell, King v. Burwell, Glossip v. Gross, the Arizona Redistricting Case, United States v. Johnson, United States v. Jones, Arizona v. United States, CLS v. Martinez, EEOC v. Hosannah-Tabor, Citizens United, Bob Jones, United States v. Alvarez, United States v. Stevens, Inclusive Housing, and Chevron. (All quotes are based on my rough attempt to transcribe the event–please email me any corrections if you have them.)

After the American and Texas pledges of allegiance by Judge Jennifer Walker Elrod, and a rousing introduction by Texas Supreme Court Justice Don Willett  (you may just know him as @JusticeWillett), Justice Alito took the podium, in a “looking back mood.” Alito noted that October 31, 2015 will be the 10th anniversary of President Bush’s announcement of his nomination (quite fittingly on Halloween). January 31, 2016 will be the 10th anniversary of his confirmation. 


After the announcement, he was driven to Capitol Hill to meet with Senate leadership. He met with Senator Arlen Specter, who was the chair of the judiciary committee. The topic that interested him the most was stare decisis. He had the idea that there was a “super precedent,” if it was reaffirmed on a number of occasions. Stare decisis was an importnat issue during his confirmation process. Alito explained, “As I’m sure all of the lawyers in the room know, it is a latin phrase. It means, to leave things decided when it suits our purposes.” Alito noted that the Court’s decisions list so many factors of when precedent should and should not be followed, that there is no hard and fast rule. He offered a great example: “Stare decisis is like wine. If it’s really new, you don’t want to drink it, it has to age for a while. If it’s really old, it is very valuable, or it has possibly turned to vinegar. There’s this magical period in between. It not difficult for a judge to make the stare decisis inquiry come out however the judge wants it come out.”



Alito noted two opinions this year that did not adhere to stare decisis. First, United States v. Johnson, “which overruled two holdings that were issued during my time on the Court.” Second, “even more dramatic was Justice Breyer’s dissent in Glossip v. Gross. Justice Breyer, joined by Justice Ginsburg” suggested that the “death penalty was under all circumstances unconstitutional. Despite the fact that the Constitution refers twice to the death penalty. There would be a pretty strong stare decisis case against the move he is recommending.”


Alito then turned back to his confirmation process, and recalled the “failure of a last-ditch attempt by then-Senator Kerry to filibuster the vote on my nomination. Sen. Kerry launched this effort to launch this effort from Davos, Switzerland.” Alito quipped that this may have been one reason why the effort failed. Alito added that One of Sen. Kerry’s chief reasons was that he was in favor of expanding executive power beyond it’s proper limits. {Raucous Laughter}. Other senators made the same point. Why did they think this?

Alito explained, “they pointed to a speech I had given at a Federalist conference in D.C.  I said things that should not be controversial. We have only one President at a time, the Constitution gives that President the entirety of the executive power. I did not explain what it is included in the executive power. Had I addressed it, I would have said, the Constitution contemplates a President that is energetic in the exercise of those powers. Prominent among those powers, are powers over commander in chief, and powers to take care that the laws are faithfully executed.” Alito then moved onto recent developments in caselaw.

He began, “over the past 10 years, I have been struck by assertions of executive power that extend far beyond anything I had ever imagined. In Arizona v. US, the Solicitor General argued that a state law may be preempted not just by a statute enacted by Congress, or regulation properly issued by agency, but by Secretary of DHS’s priority, which can be informally changed without any time without prior notice. The argument was unprecedented, and not a single justice accepted it.” Next, Alito turned to UARG, and explained that SG Verrilli has “also argued that the doctrine of enforcement discretion allows the executive to change the text of the law without an act by congress. The court rejected this remarkable assertion of executive power to effectively amend a statute.”

Moving on from executive power, Alito turned to religious liberty. “Another thing that has changed in the last decade was the change in attitudes towards religious liberty.” After explaining the background of RFRA, Boerne v. Flores, and RLUIPA, he notes, “over the past ten years, something quite dramatic has happened. An inkling was provided in CLS v. Martinez, a 5-4 decision. Hastings Law School threw the Christian Legal Society off campus because the society’s beliefs that members should hold traditional Christian beliefs on a variety of subjects, including on sexual relations, and only people of the opposite sex should be allowed to marry. The Court allowed Hastings to get away with just that. It was an eye-opening decision. The claim of religious liberty could not stand up with an idea supported by influential segments of society.” Verrilli also cited the “remarkable argument” the Solicitor General made in EEOC v. Hosannah Tabor that there was no ministerial exception–this lost 9-0–and the government’s argument in Hobby Lobby.

Next, Alito turned to Obergefell when he asked the Solicitor General whether the “same consequence that happened in Bob Jones” with respect to denying tax-exempt status “take place here. Would IRS be in power to deny tax exemptions to a school that opposes SSM. His answer is as follows: ‘It is certainly going to be an issue I don’t deny that it is going to be an issue.’ Whether the tax exemption issue will come up, we don’t know, but what does seem certain, is that related issues will arise, and how those claims of religious liberty will fare in the atmosphere of today, versus the atmosphere when RFRA was enacted remains to be seen.”

Next, Alito turned to free speech–a topic he has addressed at some length. He began with Citizens United. “It has long been recognized that political speech lies at the core of the First Amendment. That has not been a controversial point. The most important point involving political speech, was a very controversial case, Citizens United. To this day, it is reviled in many quarters. It involves a movie about a candidate for the office of the President. One would think this was political speeh at the core of the first amendment. When we held by 5-4 vote that the provision of the Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act (BCRA) that restricted right of a little corporation to show a movie in period preceding election violated the 1st amendment. That created a firestorm of controversy that continues to this day. A constitutional amendment to overturn that decision has more than 40 sponsors in the Senate.”

Next, Alito moves on to peripheral speech cases, which he does not view as strong (consider his votes in Snyder v. Phelps and United States v. Stevens). “While protection of core political speech is very controversial, the Supreme Court has gone very far, I think too far, in protecting peripheral speech, that is very far from core of the 1st amendment, that has little to do with the search for truth. I’m talking about Stevens, which involves prohibition of crush videos. Snyder v. Phelps, involved protests at funerals of service members who were killed, that launched bitter attack against deceased, inflicting great emotion harm on families. United States v. Alvarez, struck down stolen valor act, which prohibited false claim of having won military award. Something very strange has been going on. A shifting of the protection of the focus of the 1st amendment, what had been the core–political speech, and the search for truth, to the protection of speech for the sole purpose of self-expression. For example, Alvarez said people lie all the time, and it makes them feel good.

Alito moved onto privacy and the 4th Amendment. “Another change in the past decade has been constitutional protection for privacy. During the past ten years, the Court has applied the 4th amendment’s prohibition against unreasonable search and seizure to modern technology. I think this is going to be a very big issue moving forward. The 4th amendment was adopted with traditional property law in mind. What was once new technology (wiretap and eavesdropping), it was difficult to apply old property based standards to the new technology. The Court adopted a new test, and looked to reasonable expectation of privacy on the part of the individuals. That standard worked for a while, but with the development of new technology, it has become very difficult

The first case was “United States v. Jones, which involved placing a GPS tracking device on someone’s car. How do you apply the 4th amendment standard to that situation? What government has done is to take the precedents developed during the pre-digital error and apply them mechanically to the new issues. It has not worked in the Jones case. The Court decided the case on a ground I did not agree with. The Court looked back to common law trespass law–there was a trespass for law enforcement to place electronic device on a car. The placement of the device did not harm–that missed what was really the important issue. That missed the important issue which was the surveillance of the device on the car.

The “second case was Riley v. California–whether police can search the contents of cell phone. In the pre-digital era, police could search the person of someone who is arrested, and if that person has stack of letters, that could be searched. But what do you with a smartphone at the time of arrest. We held that content could not be taken without a warrant or probable cause.”

Alito closed with a call for Congress to address these issues, not the Court. “These are just some of the issues that may come up. The problem is that in making determinations we are put in a position of determining what is a reasonable expectation of privacy. We are very ill-positioned to make these determinations. We are older than the average person. This may come up as a surprise–We are not up on all the latest technology. If privacy is to be protected in the future, that balances the interests of law enforcement and the interest of privacy, legislatures should take the lead. They are in a better position that the courts.”

Next, Alito praised the move towards textualism. “A very positive development in my career has been a trend towards textualism in statutory interpretation. When I got out of law school, there was a tendency to think the words of a statute are what you look at if it he legislative history is not clear (slight exaggeration). There has been a salutary change away from that.”

But he lamented three cases last term that failed on textualism–Inclusive housing, the Arizona redistricting case, and (of course) King v. Burwell.  “Last term on the court was a really bad one for textualism.” First, in Inclusive Housing, he accused the court of “torturing the english language” with respect to the words “because of.” Second, in the Arizona redistricting case, “the straightforward reading of the constitutional text did not prevail.” Finally, for King v. Burwell, Alito explained “the act provides that tax credits are given to individual covered by health insurance plans that was enrolled in through exchange “established by the state.” It appear that the drafters of the ACA assumed that most if not all of the states would establish exchanges, but most did not do so and therefore the federal gov stepped in and established exchanges in those states. The question was whether individual who purchased policies on these federally established exchanges are eligible for tax credits. Based on the plain language the answer seems pretty clear: an exchange established by the fed gov is not established by the state, but the court held otherwise. Last term was a term in which the court followed what Humpty Dumpty famously said: “When I use a word . . . i tmeans just what I choose it to mean–neither more nor less.’ It was a very bad term for textualism.

As an aside, the Cato briefI joined in King v. Burwell used just that reference:


Alito closed his prepared remarks by turning to “two things on unenumerated rights. In holding that there is a constitutional right to same sex marriage the court relied on one word in the Constitution, “liberty” in the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment. Liberty is a glorious concept, I’m sure everyone in this room, and I put myself in that room, prizes liberty. But it is also a term that means different things to different people. It means different thing to a libertarian and a social democrat. How then can court determine what is meant by the term liberty in the 14th amendment. Before Obergefell, the answer was provided by Washington v. Glucksberg, which involved the right to assisted suicide. The court held that due process protects those rights that are deeply rooted in the nation’s history. The right to same-sex marriage lacks such roots. The Obergefell majority did not claim otherwise. The majority was convinced this was fundamental right. In the future, is every judge entitled to read his personal understanding of the liberty into constitution. I suspect among the people here, there are a variety of views of same-sx marriage. That was not the issue before the court. Whatever anyone here thinks about same-sex marriage, I believe those people should be concerned about implication of the reasoning of Obergefell for future cases. The decision raises profound questions about constitutional interpretation.

Alito finished by recalling a comment from a colleague on the Third Cicuit–after a contentious case, he would say “Next case.” Alito said, “I hope things will turn out better for the new term.”

Alito took a few questions during Q&A.

First, someone asked if the Take Care Clause imposes a duty. One word answer: “Yes.”

Second, someone asked about the propriety of Justice Kennedy’s opinion in Davis v. Ayalla, reaching out to discuss the solitary confinement issue. Alito responded, “I don’t think it would be appropriate for me to list in an opinion issues I am interested in. But if an issue is related in the manner, that is, this case doesn’t involve this issue, but I would like to note there is this separate, related issue, then it is appropriate.

Third, he was asked a question about judicial supremacy. “All three branches are required to abide by the Constitution. All take the oath to be faithful to the Constitution. When Congress is enacting a statute, they have the responsibility to decide not just whether it is good policy but whether it constitutional. I there was a time when Congress was more in a habit to do so. There have been instances where we have been criticized by congress for upholding law that member has voted for. [JB: Both former Senators and Secretaries of State Clinton and Kerry voted in favor of the law at issue in Zivotofsky]. “They have a duty to adhere to the Constitution like we do. It was much more common for President in the 19th century to veto legislation on the ground that it was unconstitutional, not just on policy grounds.

“We are not alone in interpreting the constitution. Each branch can interpret the Constitution in a way that is not subject to review by the other branches. The President can veto a bill because he thinks it is unconstitutional, even if Supreme Court precedent says it is constitutional. Congress can decline to exercise the full measure of its authority under commerce precedents because they think the commerce clause does not extend as far as the courts have said it is to extend. There are instances of judgments of courts must be obeyed under the Constitution. That doesn’t mean that the rest of people have to shut up on that issue. It doesn’t mean people have to refrain from criticizing our decision. In the wake of the Obergefell decision, one article was written that those of us in dissent were being treasonous for being harsh of judgment of majority. That is not true at all. Not just because we have special privilege, but because citizens have no obligation to agree with any of our decisions, including decisions I write in. They can express their views robustly. They can use all of the legal procedures that are available under our law to try to challenge the scope of our decision. We are a nation of laws. It is important for people to respect the actions by the branches of government when they are acting within the proper scope of their authority.”

Fourth, a question was asked, in several admin law cases, based on some concurrences and statements in majority opinions last term, whether the Court is “indicating that there may be a trend towards evolving standards of review.”

Alito answered, “yes, there were several opinions in which members of the court had questioned, in particular, the rule that the courts should give great deference to administrative agencies concerning the interpretation of their own regulations. I do think that many of us are sensitive to the way in which the Chevron doctrine has been interpreted. We are interested in making sure there is not interpretation in a way that allows agencies to contravene statues. It would be helpful if congress did not enact laws with such standards so broad that it gives the agency essentially carte blanche to do whatever they want. The first case I heard oral argument after I joined the court was Rapanos, which involved the clean water act. The phrase Congress used is the “Waters of the United States.” This is not a term of art, there is no definition in the statute. There is nO way of  knowing what is included. [He points to his glass of water and asks, is this water of the United States]. Is puddle in jurisdiction of United States?  He asked only one question: “Does it make any sense to say that any wetlands that it abuts a traditionally navigable water is covered, but a tributary that leads right into a traditionally navigable water is not necessary covered?”

Fifth, he was asked about lifetime tenure. “I think it is a good thing. We are pretty much alone among supreme courts of the world in having appointments for life w/o mandatory retirement age.” But, he noted, “our Constitution was adopted in the 18th century when they were counting on biology to take care of the problem. With improvements in modern medicine, we are hanging on for long time.”

Sixth, Alito criticized “The enormous quantity of really silly stuff written by academics. A lot of what academics write is good, but some is unbelievably silly. One study looked at the way in which a lawyer said the word ‘may it please the court.’ What they concluded, if lawyers was forceful, lawyer was likely to lose. Handy tip to advocates, you should be very mousy.”

“The second study looked at the grumpiness of all the Justices. These academics pick up certain words that are grumpy words. Other words that are happy words. This is what they want to do now–county everything. Count the percentage of grumpy and happy words in opinions of all Justices. They discovered that grumpiest justice of all time is Justice Johnson. This poor justice wrote exactly one opinion. IF you look at his portrait, he has an angelic looking face. I have instructed my law clerks to find the list, and use no more grumpy words, only happy words, so I can rise in rankings.


Prop2 Class 10 – Chain of Title

September 21st, 2015

Today we will discuss the chain of title, and what it takes to constitute notice (either actual or constructive). The lecture notes are here. Here are some diagrams of the land at issue in Guilette v. Daly Dry Wall, courtesy of dukeminier-property.comguillette2 guillette4  And here is a map. Note–all single-family homes.guillette1Here are a number of links about Title Insurance in Texas, which we will go over in class:

Here By the way, did any of you check the typo on the Liberty Bell in the lobby? Idem Sonans.



ConLaw Class 10 – Scope of Federal Powers II

September 21st, 2015

The lecture notes are here.

Scope of Federal Powers II

Wickard v. Filburn

This is farmer Roscoe Filburn.


This is Secretary of the Agriculture Claude Wickard.


This is Wickard, flanked by New Dealers, in front of various charts and projections about the price of agriculture.


Hearts of Atlanta Motel v. United States

The Hearts of Atlanta Motel, located at 255 Courtland Street NE in Atlanta, was owned by Atlanta lawyer Moreton Rolleston Jr. This was a segregate hotel. Rolleston represented himself all the way to the Supreme Court. The location is currently a Hilton.



moreton rolleston




During the Jim Crow era, “The Negro Motorist Green-Book” provided African Americans with a listing of hotels they could stay while traveling.


These cabins in South Carolina were advertised “For Colored.”


Katzenbach v. McClung

This is Ollie’s Bar-B-Q, the site of Katzenbach v. McClung in Birmingham, Alabama.

Many restaurants only served only white patrons, such as this restaurant in Lancaster, Ohio.


And because I am insane, I purchased an entire case of Ollie’s Bar-B-Q sauce.

And who says trolling eBay for worthless mementos from Supreme Court cases is useless. Recently, for the princely sum of $3.99 plus shipping, I purchased a matchbook from Ollie’s Barbecue–the Birmingham, Alabama establishment of Katzenbach v. McClung fame that refused to serve black customers, insisting that it did not engage in interstate commerce. Though, as the Court found, it purchase most of its meat from a butcher who had procured it from out of state.

In the 12 months preceding the passage of the Act, the restaurant purchased locally approximately $150,000 worth of food, $69,683 or 46% of which was meat that it bought from a local supplier who had procured it from outside the State. The District Court expressly found that a substantial portion of the food served in the restaurant297*297 had moved in interstate commerce.

Now, thanks to the magic of eBay, I submit to the world additional proof that Ollie’s engaged in interstate commerce! Their matchbooks were manufactured by the Universal Match Corporation in Atlanta–across state lines! Read it and weep.


It is impossible to tell exactly when the matchbook was manufactured, but based on the zip code it would have been at least 1963, as that is when zip codes were introduced. The seller on ebay–an expert in matchbooks–told me “I’m guessing late 50’s to early 60’s. The paper from that time was a bit lighter on the back, but not bright white or smooth like later on.” So this is squarely in the time period in which Ollie’s would have run right into Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The Address for “Ollie’s World’s Best Barbecue” was 515 8th Ave., So. Birmingham, Alabama 35205. Nothing is there now. They were in that location until 1999.

So here we have it. Further proof that Ollie’s did engage in interstate commerce!

The McClung’s were apparently quite religious, as their matchbook struck a Christian spark. (Oh that pun was awesome).

On the front, the Matchbook says:

“If you never know me, you’ll miss nothing, If you never know Jesus Christ, you’ll miss everything.”

The back of the matchbook quotes from 2 Chronicles 7:14 (King James Version):

 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.


The Universal Match Corporation, as evidenced by this 1950-era promotional matchbook was located at 317 Buckhead Ave, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia.


United States v. Lopez

This is Thomas Edison High School in San Antonio, Texas, the site where Alfonso Lopez, Jr., brought a gun to school in violation of the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990.



I obtained these (blurry) photographs from Lopez’s high school yearbook.




The caption reads “Rushing down the field, Alfonzo Lopez warms up before the game.”

United States v. Morrison

This is Christy Brzonkala, the plaintiff in what would become United States v. Morrison. I could not find a photograph of Antonio J. Morrison and James Crawford.



Gonzales v. Raich

This is Angel Raich, the lead plaintiff in Gonzales v. Raich.


Here is a photograph of Raich using a marijuana vaporizer.


Right to Left: Robert Raich, Angel McClary Raich, (a younger) Randy Barnett, Diane Monson, and David Michael at the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco, California.


Here is Raich finding out that the Supreme Court ruled against her cause.
