The House Judiciary Committee invited me to testify on the constitutionality of DAPA. The hearing will be held on Wednesday, 2/25 at 10:15 in 2141 Rayburn House Office Building. Here is the description and full witness list:
House Judiciary Committee to Hold Hearing on Unconstitutionality of President Obama’s Executive Overreach on Immigration
Washington, D.C. – On Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at 10:00 a.m., the House Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on the unconstitutionality of President Obama’s executive overreach on immigration. Although President Obama has stated over 20 times that he does not have the constitutional authority to change our immigration laws unilaterally, in November 2014 he proclaimed that he would unilaterally allow four million unlawful immigrants to stay and work in the United States without a vote of Congress. Twenty-six states have filed a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of President Obama’s unilateral actions and a federal judge has temporarily blockedPresident Obama’s executive action on immigration.
At Wednesday’s hearing, the House Judiciary Committee will hear from the following witnesses on the President’s unilateral, unconstitutional actions:
· The Honorable Adam Laxalt, Attorney General of Nevada
· Mr. Josh Blackman, Assistant Professor of Law, South Texas College of Law
· Ms. Elizabeth Price Foley, Professor, Florida International University College of Law
· Mr. Steve Legomsky, Professor, Washington University Law School