Remember those dreams you have where you wake up for the first day of class, and are unprepared? Profs have them too, or at least I do. I’ve already had the dream where I forgot to prepare for the first day of class, and totally winged my Pierson v. Post lesson.
Last night, I had a similar dream where I forgot to write the final exam for my Property class. I woke up in the morning, and immediately realized that the final exam was that night at 6:00 p.m. I star panicking, and wonder why no one at the school ever sent me any reminder emails about the due dates (we get lots of these). Then I start to write something. Initially I was going to go with two fact pattern questions, but then I switch to a series of shorter essay questions. Not enough time. Then, for some reason I decide to take a nap (dream within a dream). Not a good move. I wake up at 5:30, with thirty minutes to spare. ThenI really start to rush. I see the minutes ticking one by one. By 5:36 I am finished, and I ask the school to print out 60 copies of the exam.
I feel somewhat confident about the exam. I walk into the classroom where the exam will be administered, and of course is it is in the high school I attended. I start handing out the exams, and one of the students raises his hand, and says that this isn’t the right exam. I look at it, and it has all of these civil procedure questions. The school printed the wrong exam! I then tell the students to wait, and I scramble and get copies of the right exam. Afterwards, it goes without a hitch, and none of the students found any errors.
Phew I thought. And my second exam was not till the day after tomorrow. So plenty of time!