The White House Press Secretary weighs on on what the “constitutional lawyer who sits in the Oval Office” thinks about the Hobby Lobby decision:
“Well, as the constitutional lawyer who sits in the Oval Office would tell you is, he would read the entire decision before he passed judgment in terms of his own legal analysis. What we have been able to assess so far … is that there is a problem that has been exposed, which is that there are now a group of women of an indeterminate size who no longer have access to free contraceptive coverage simply because of some religious views held, not by them necessarily, but by their bosses,” said White House press secretary Josh Earnest.
“We disagree and the constitutional lawyer in the Oval Office disagrees with that conclusion from the Supreme Court. And that’s why we–primarily, because he is concerned about the impact it could have on the health of those women.”
Uh-huh. I think Obama should relinquish any claim to be a constitutional lawyer. And Hobby Lobby was not a constitutional decision.