Alex Rodriguez Considers The Cost of Litigating in Federal Court

January 9th, 2014

Fascinating calculus for A-Rod to consider, in his decision of whether to seek a restraining order in federal court of any suspension he may receive:

According to the source, a suspension longer than 100 games will likely lead Rodriguez and his attorneys to pursue a temporary restraining order against Horowitz’s ruling in federal court.

If he is given a shorter suspension, however, “then Alex will have some things to think about,” the source told

According to the source, who has been privy to some internal discussions in the Rodriguez camp, the player is weighing the financial implications of continuing to fight this battle versus accepting a suspension that will allow him to take the field sometime in the second half of the coming season.

Taking his battle into the courtroom will cost Rodriguez “at least $10 million, with no guarantee of winning,” said the source, while a 100-game ban would cost him $15,425,000 of his scheduled $25 million salary for 2014.

“All of this has been presented to Alex, and he is weighing his options,” the source said. “In certain situations it may not make much sense to continue to fight.”

$10 million to litigate this in court?! I assume this includes appeals. Fascinating.