Administration (even more quietly) extends deadline to sign up for Obamacare:

December 24th, 2013

Politico reports:

People who can’t finish the online signup for health insurance by midnight today because of website problems may get extra time to finalize their application and still get covered by Jan. 1, according to a message posted on early this afternoon.

“We don’t want you to miss out if you’ve been trying to enroll,” the HHS message says. People who ran into “delays caused by heavy traffic to, maintenance periods, or other issues with our systems” should not worry. “We may be able to help you get covered as soon as January 1,” it says.

An insurance source said federal exchange officials have informed the industry that exceptions and assistance will be given to people who “legitimately tried to apply” and couldn’t finish. The source said that help isn’t meant to be a blanket extension of a deadline that’s already been pushed back twice. The insurers expect to get fuller details about the precise breadth of the po

People who can’t finish the online signup for Obamacare health insurance by midnight today because of website problems can seek extra time to finalize their application and still get covered by Jan. 1, according to a message posted on early this afternoon.

“We don’t want you to miss out if you’ve been trying to enroll,” the HHS message says. People who ran into “delays caused by heavy traffic to, maintenance periods, or other issues with our systems” should not worry. “We may be able to help you get covered as soon as January 1,” it says.

Pretty soon they’ll say even if you signed up after January 1, you will be covered retroactively for things that happened before. Why not? Get covered!