Ain’t that the truth:
With the approach of the new year, when health insurance policies under President Obama’s new health care law are set to begin, there is wide skepticism among both the insured and uninsured about how the law will affect them and the nation as a whole, according to a New York Times/CBS News poll.
The poll found that just one-third of uninsured Americans expect the law, the Affordable Care Act, to improve the nation’s health care system, while the same proportion think the law will help them personally, according to the poll.
Overall, there is no consensus among uninsured Americans on how the health care system will fare once the law takes effect. While one-third expect improvement, two-thirds anticipate either a worsening or no difference at all.
The people who think Obamacare will help our healthcare system stand to benefit from personally. These are the people who are rushing up to sign up for the exchanges because this will help them. Everyone else, 2/3 of American, think it will make things worse, or cause no difference. Hint, those are the people who are paying for it. These are the forgotten men of Obamacare.