More news from the Times that does not bother me:
According to data analyzed by The New York Times, the House of Representatives, which ended its business for the year last week, left town with the distinction of having been at work for the fewest hours in a nonelection year since 2005, when detailed information about legislative activity became available.
Not counting brief, pro forma sessions, the House was in session for 942 hours, an average of about 21 hours each week it conducted business in Washington. That is far lower than the nearly 1,700 hours it was in session in 2007, the 1,350 hours in 2005 or even the 1,200 in 2011.
By a similar measure, the Senate was near its recorded lows for days on the floor. Senators have spent 99 days casting votes this year, close to the recent low point for a nonelection year in 1991 when there were 95 voting days.
The article also measures gridlock:
Her most recent data through the 112th Congress, which met from January 2011 to January 2013, show that 72 percent of the issues at the national forefront met a legislative stalemate and went unresolved. That tied the record for the most gridlocked Congress since 1947: the 106th, which included the impeachment of President Bill Clinton.