Photos and Vines from Texas Supreme Court Investiture

November 12th, 2013

Today I had the joy of attending a double-feature investiture during a special session of the Texas Supreme Court, held at the Texas House of Representatives. Justice Hecht was elevated to serve as Chief Justice, to replace the outgoing Chief Justice Wallace Jefferson. Justice Jeff Brown, from the 14th Court of Appeals right here in Houston, was appointed by Governor Perry to fill Justice Hecht’s seat. Justice Scalia presided over both investitures, and issued the oaths.

Governor Perry attended, and told Justice Scalia, “We welcome you to Texas, sir. You would fit right in.” Later, Scalia noted that if he wasn’t a Virginian, he would be a Texan. Scalia also joked that he deeply respected his children that went into the military and the clergy. Oh, and the lawyers too. Nino’s best joke was to Hecht, who served as Associate Justice for 25 years before being elevated as Chief. Scalia quipped, I’ve been on the Court 27 years, and there’s no chance of me being Chief.

Also in the House (ha!) were almost-Justice Harriet Miers, and Alberto Gonzales. From the 5th Circuit, Judges Higginbotham, Jones, Smith, Benaveides, Haynes, and Owens were present. There were many Judges from the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, the Texas Courts of Appeals, the District Courts, and other dignitaries. Kudos to Twitter’s favorite Justice, Justice Don Willett for reading ALL of the names.

Here are all of my various Pics and Vines fromt eh event.

And some pics from the State Bar of Texas

I hope Scalia didn’t say, I’m so board. You can see Bryan Garner in the background.