From a great interview by Greg Stohr of RBG:
Ginsburg has made no secret of her admiration for Obama. A photo of her embracing him at aState of the Union address adorns her office, along with a collection of abstract paintings. She said the president took a “brave” step by pushing for his health-care law, which was enacted in 2010 and upheld by the court last year.
In the political sense, I think it was more over-confident than brave. The President clearly underestimated the overwhelming opposition to this law that would persist to this day. The day before the House voted on the law, he urged members wavering on the fence that voting yes would be good for politics. A large number of those uncertain Democrats were voted out of office in 2010, largely on their ACA vote, as the GOP took the House. But, the President certainly thought that this was the right thing to do, and was very proud to receive all the adulations. Time will tell how he will receive the negative fallout from the law (my guess is he continues to blame Republicans and use executive orders to manage the laws around the Congress).