‘Twas the night before SCOTUS

June 25th, 2013


‘Twas the night before SCOTUS, when all through One First,

Not a dissent was stirring, not even the worst,

The opinions were laid by the boxes with care,

In hopes that the PIO would soon be there.


The justices were nestled, all snug in their beds,

While visions of commerce-clauses danced in their heads.

And Ruthie in her ‘doiley, and the Chief on the right,

Had just settled their hand-downs for a long June fight.


When out on the plaza, there arose a clatter

Sam rolled his eyes, and said it didn’t matter.


Away to the window, Elena flew like a flash,

Tore open the sealed door, and heard a clash.


When what to Nino’s wandering eyes should appear,

But James Madison and the framers, were drawing near.


With a little olde quill, so lively in the mist,

Clarence knew, it must be St. Originalist.


More free than an eagle, his courses they came,

As he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name.


Now Roberts,

Now Nino,

Now Tony,

Now Thomas,

On Ruthie,

On Stevie,

On Sammie,

On Sonia,

And Kagan.


From the top of Article I, to the bottom of Article VII,

Read all the Amendments, you shall be in Constitutional heaven.


He spoke not a word, but  began his delivery

And edited all the opinions, to fill them with liberty.


But Ruth heard him exclaim, as he flew out of sight,

Happy SCOTUS to all,

And to all a good night.