Rand Paul follows up his trip to Howard University in Washington with a trip to Simmons College in Louisville, Kentucky’s oldest historically black college. He made many of the same points about the GOP being a party in favor of civil rights and civil liberties. I haven’t found a transcript of his remarks, but here is the report from the Louisville Courier-Journal (whose offices were across the street from the federal court in which I clerked):
U.S. Sen. Rand Paul made his Republican pitch to African Americans on Friday at Simmons College of Kentucky, telling the largely black crowd that the GOP “is not hostile to civil rights.”
Speaking just two days after his speech at historically black Howard University in Washington was criticized by some as condescending, Paul said it was important for Republicans to reach out to African-American voters.
“I also do it because I’m a politician,” he said. “I’m self-interested, I want to get more votes, and we’re not doing very well with the African-American voter.”
Here is a mashup of local news coverage: