Prop2 Class 21 – (Lack of) Zoning in Houston & Public Choice

April 2nd, 2013

The lecture notes are here. The live chat is here.

Today we will conclude our study of zoning with a discussion about Houston’s lack of a zoning code, and what it means. Here are the readings for today:

Here are some articles about the Ashby High Rise, which should be completed in 2014.

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There was massive opposition to the site, which will be completed in Spring 2014 at Bissonnet and Ashby, north of Rice University.







Here is a recent article from the Houston Chronicle about “income segregation.”

Also, here is a graph that illustrates how eminent domain takings focus on areas of minorities and those with low education. It will be relevant to our discussion on zoning.

Here is a February 2013 Houston Chronicle article on mobility in Houston, based on a Texas A&M report:

  • $1,090: Cost to each commuter in Houston, due to congestion, in lost time and fuel.
  • 23: Gallons of fuel wasted in 2011, per motorist, in the Houston area because of congestion.
  • 5.75: Hours daily that Houston is a “rush hour” commute pattern.
  • 6: Houston’s rank for having the nation’s most stressful commute.
  • 81.9 million: Number of unlinked public transportation trips, a 20 percent decrease from 2006.

Washington D.C. is ranked with the worst traffic in America,followed by Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York.