The C-SPAN Video library is amazing. Here is Randy giving a talk at George Mason Law School in 1987 about Constitutional Economic Rights. Those glasses are quite epic!
Here is Richard Epstein talking about substantive due process. He sounds exactly the same.
And here are Barnett and Roger Pilon chilling in the front row.
Here are Roger Pilon, and an ominous-looking Gene Meyer whispering something to Roger as he attempts to pour water out of a pitcher of water (it is not a beer stein!). To the right is Mario Rizzo.
The audio is low, but it is worth listening to. Much of the focus is on “original intent.” This is *still* pre-original-public-meaning, though Randy’s arguments about the structures of liberty and the role of judges is the same position he takes today. Legendary GMUSL Dean Manne moderates. The video can’t be embedded but you can watch it here.
I sometimes forget how long some of our icons have been at this game. I was 3 years old when this video was recorded. We owe all of them a great debt for their life’s work.