“I really do believe that Staten Island is the forgotten borough.”

November 3rd, 2012

A very touching piece about the state of my hometown, Staten Island, following Superstorm Sandy. I haven’t blogged much about it because it is still very fresh and raw in my mind. I’ve been talking to my parents every day. Thankfully, my mom was spared any damage, but others closer to the water did not fare as well. My aunt who has lived in the same house in Seagate for most of her life has serious flood damage. There was over 5 feet of water in her basement. Houses one block away, closer to the water, were swept into the ocean. My parents took pictures of the devastation a few minutes from my house. My mom can only describe it as a “war zone.”

I will write more about this in time, but for now, I will try to remain optimistic, and hope that the most basic services–electricity, water, gasoline–are restored, so people can assume some sense of normalcy in their lives.