Econopolis: A City with “hundreds of glass skyscrapers and the 125-story golden dollar-sign-shaped tower.”

August 24th, 2012

Only The Onion could design the city of Ayn Rand’s dreams. $

As part of an effort to consolidate ties with the sovereign fiscal nation, U.S. Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke visited the cloud city-state of Econopolis on Friday to participate in ongoing diplomatic talks.

Bernanke, who traveled in a luxury cable car to the opulent capital floating 20,000 feet above the earth’s surface, was greeted upon arrival by President Cash Moneyton III, as well as a delegation of Econopolis representatives from the Ministry of Supply, the Bureau of Demand, the Agency of Goods, the Department of Services, and the Office of Consumption.

“Econopolis is the world leader in the exchange of currency and a shining beacon of commerce,” said Bernanke, admiring the hundreds of glass skyscrapers and the 125-story golden dollar-sign-shaped tower that dominate the skyline of the Ka-Ching financial district. “This great monetary nation is a key strategic partner for the United States and crucial to its fiscal well-being.”

Though the central planning of such a city would make Rand cringe. Though a skyscraper shaped like a dollar-sign just might appeal to Howard Roark.