In John Elwood and Eric White’s “Supreme Court in Revue” feature in the Greenbag, the authors write that:
There is a word for people who accurately predicted the Court would uphold the Affordable Care Act’s “Individual Mandate” by a 5- 4 vote with the Chief Justice providing the decisive vote and Justice Kennedy in dissent: liars.
Alas, Jacob Berlove, the perennial Chief Justice of FantasySCOTUS made just that prediction, and nailed NFIB v. Sebelius. Jacob sent a note: “The final vote on the individual mandate was fairly foreseeable in light of Robert’s inaction in Comstock.”
He wasn’t the only one. 9 others (out of 430!) made that prediction. So the numbers were small, but Jacob is certainly not a liar. Cf. Jakob the Liar.