Jeremy Kidd (a good friend) and I! Go GMU!
Jeremy will be teaching at Mercer Law School in Georgia. He graduated two years before me. We suffered through similar hazings and rituals to get to the market. I am so glad we both got in.
So what buckets do I fall into?
There wer a total of 137 hires.
- Only 14 had a clerkship, but no advanced degree or fellowship (I was one of them). The percentage of hires with fellowships hit 69%, very high.
- 12 got their law degree between 2008-2012. I was one of four who obtained a degree in 2009. None were in 2010 or later. I gather that I am probably the youngest (based on other experiences) but I cannot be sure.
- The four most popular fields were Con Law (17), Civ Pro (17), Crim (17), and Property (14). My top 3 on AALS form were Con Law, Property, and Civ Pro. I picked those, in part, because I felt they would have theĀ broadestĀ appeal.