What’s the difference between Congress overturning it and the Court striking it down?
14. Do you think Congress should try to repeal the health care law, or should they let it stand?
FL OH PA Repeal it 53% 52% 46% Let it stand 39 37 42 DK/NA 9 11 12
15. The Supreme Court has heard a challenge to the health care law. Do you want the Supreme Court to uphold the health care law or overturn it?
FL OH PA Uphold it 38% 37% 43% Overturn it 51 51 46 DK/NA 11 12 11
So in Florida, 39% want Congress to let the law stand, and 38% want the Court to uphold it. 53% want Congress to Repeal it and 51% want the Court to overturn it. The numbers are about the same in Ohio and Florida.