I have dedicated all of my law review articles to dead people I admire.
- The Constitutionality of Social Cost, 34 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy 1 (2011) SSRN Ronald Coase
- Original Citizenship, 159 University of Pennsylvania Law Review PENNUMBRA 95 (2010), SSRN James Wilson
- Crowdsourcing A Prediction Market for the Supreme Court, 10 Northwestern Journal of Technology & Intellectual Property ___ (2012) SSRN F.A. Hayek and Larry Ribstein (dearly departed)
- Pierson v. Post and The Natural Law, 51 American Journal of Legal History 95 (2011). SSRN John Locke
- Keeping Pandora’s Box Sealed, 8 Georgetown Journal of Law & Public Policy (2010) (With Ilya Shapiro). SSRN The 39th Congress
- Equal Protection from Eminent Domain, 56 Loyola Law Review 697 (2010). SSRN George Mason
- Youngstown’s Fourth Tier. Is There A Zone of Insight Beyond the Zone of Twilight?, 40 Memphis Law Review 541 (2010) (With Elizabeth Bahr). SSRN George Washington
- The Tell-Tale Privileges or Immunities Clause, 2010 Cato Supreme Court Review 163 (2010) (With Alan Gura and Ilya Shapiro). SSRN John Bingham
- This Lemon Comes as a Lemon. The Lemon Test and the Pursuit of a Statute’s Secular Purpose, 20 George Mason University Civil Rights Law Review 351 (2010). SSRN Thomas Jefferson
- Omniveillance, Google, Privacy in Public, and the Right to Your Digital Identity: A Tort for Recording and Disseminating an Individual’s Image Over the Internet, 49 Santa Clara Law Review 313 (2009). SSRN James Madison
And who will I dedicate this article to?
The Supreme Court’s New Battlefield, 90 Texas Law Review ___ (2012). Drumroll…. Frederick Douglass! This is probably the last thing I will write (for a while at least) about Reconstruction, so this seemed like a good opportunity. After all, I double-tipped Bingham, thanking him personally, and as a member of the august 39th Congress.