Quantitative Methods for Lawyers Class

August 17th, 2011

Professor Katz at the ComputationalLegalStudies Blog has a cool description of a class called quantitative methods for lawyers he is teaching.

I will be teaching Quantitative Methods for Lawyers – a Winter 2012 course that will help students develop a number of relevant skills ( beyond those in the traditional statistics and the law course ). Indeed, although similar in some respects, I am positive this course will prove to be quite different ( and hopefully better? ) than any quantitative methods course currently offered at an American law school.  Either way, my goal is help put the students who take the course on the path to becoming the skill blender that the market is likely looking to hire.

Here are the modules that I plan to offer in the Winter 2012 course:

The quantitative legal prediction module looks very cool.
Quantitative Legal Prediction – Presentation at LawTechCamp – UToronto Law – June 2011

I just dropped Professor Katz an email. We should chat soon.