Chris Lund has an interest post at PrawfsBlawg, document that the price of Charlie Sheen tickets on Stubhub has plummeted following his dismal show in Detroit. But, after a recent show that went well the price rebounded.
From the IBTimes:
After the unfortunate performance in Detroit tickets for his show at Radio City Music Hall dropped to $24 on Monday morning, according to a report by The Hollywood Reporter.
Within 24 hours, though, ticket prices bounced back up to $40 and $42 for his New York City shows.
According to The Hollywood Reporter there are a good number of seats left. There are 1,127 tickets left for $42 and 1,587 for tickets priced at $40.
This is still quite a low cost considering their initial face value was $126.
Lund notes that StubHub serves as an barometer of Charlie’s #winning.
One of the things I love aboutStubHub is that it acts as a moral compass for me about what’s popular and what’s not. (Okay, it’s not a moral compass, but whatever.) Tickets for really popular events sell for way more than the ticket’s face value; tickets for unpopular events sell for way less than the ticket’s face value. Prices float around, acting as crude popularity barometers. Efficient-markets people must love this stuff.
Yep. Love it!
Markets like Stubhub, or FantasySCOTUS, aggregate popular sentiments, and show what large groups of people think about a certain case–in this case how much people value Sheen’s madness.