From John Elwood’s witty Supreme Court Revue:
Another slow-mo moment came in McDonald v. City of Chicago, involvingwhether the individual Second Amendment right to bear arms recognized twoTerms ago in District of Columbia v. Heller is incorporated against the states. Noone who isn’t mystified by instant replay (“He dropped the ball again!”) could lookat the still-extant Heller majority and think the outcome here would be anydifferent, and so it was widely expected the Court would hold the right incorporated.The petitioners thus decided to use the opportunity to try to revive incorporationthrough the Privileges and Immunities Clause, which is not unlike when thedominant 1985 Bears decided to have rookie defensive lineman William “TheFridge” Perry throw his first NFL pass during Super Bowl XX. Perhaps as a result(of the argument, that is—Perry’s pass attempt resulted only in a one-yard loss), theCourt took the rare step of granting argument time to a non-federal amicus—theNRA—to advocate incorporation through the conventional Due Process Clauseroute. Only Captain Renault was surprised—nay, shocked—when the Court heldfor McDonald by a 5-4 vote, and the Privileges and Immunities boomlet was overbefore it began, as four members of the majority (and all of the dissenters)reaffirmed traditional Due Process Clause incorporation. Justice Thomas seized theopportunity to advocate overruling the Slaughterhouse Cases and United States v.Cruikshank—the last two empty spaces on his “Overrule ‘em All!” punch-card.Having finally completed the set, he won a toaster.
CT’s “Overrule’ em All!” card certainly has a number of empty spaces left–Wickard, Raich, and Kelo to name a few.