Constitution Day at the Cato Institute Tomorrow. See you there.

September 15th, 2010

Every Constitution Day for the past 3 years, I have somehow found myself drawn to the F. A. Hayek Auditorium at the Cato Institute to attend Cato’s superb Constitution Day event. Tomorrow will be no exception.

If you are in Washington, I’ll strongly encourage you to attend. Along with the Federalist Society National Lawyers Conference this is one of the top DC events of the year. The details are here. Massive props to my frequent-collaborator Ilya Shapiro for organizing this excellent event.

Additionally, the article I co-authored with Alan Gura and Ilya, titled The Tell-Tale Privileges or Immunities Clause (SSRN), will debut in the Cato Supreme Review. I’m still stunned to be published in the same volume as Richard Epstein, Nadine Strossen, Larry Ribstein,and others.