In a little over a month, has grown from a simple idea to the “hottest new fantasy-league game” on the Internet with over 3,000 members. It has been featured on CNN, the WSJ Law Blog, the NY Times Freakanomics Blog, Volokh, Balkinzation, and other sites. As fast as it has grown, I am not convinced it has gone viral quite yet. So, I’m looking to improve the site and make it more Web 2.0 Friendly.
Here are a few initiatives I have in mind. Please post a comment if you have any suggestions or ideas on how to improve the site.
Facebook Connect
You may have seen a Facebook Connect on different blogs. Facebook Connect allows you to link your Facebook and account. Facebook Connect will allow me to offer a lot more social networking ease.
- Single Log-In- use your facebook login to sign into
- Invite Friends- you will be able to suggest that your friends join, and recommend that they join your league.
- Link to your feed. Whenever you make a prediction, or score points for getting a prediction right, that information will populate your friend feed. While I am not personally a fan of this feature, fans of Farmville and Mafia Wars seem to like this forum.
- Forum to chat about cases and debate how the Justices will vote.
Facebook Application
In addition to Facebook Connect, I want to offer a Facebook Application version of that offers some functionality, and some fun bonuses
- Scoreboard- display the leaderboard, as well as the scoreboard for your league, and show your individual scores.
- Trivia Quiz- I want to offer Supreme Court trivia questions. I’m not sure if I will do one question a day, or maybe 10 questions a week. What do you think would be more attractive.
- Cert or No Cert- Try to predict which Cert Petitions are granted. I may link to SCOTUSBlog’s petitions to watch for these.
- Any other games sound fun? Sign in with your Twitter Account
Twitter Connect
- Automatically tweet your predictions, points scored, and rankings
Thoughts? Suggestions? Comments?