At Volokh, Professor Kopel links to a series of posts on DUProcess, the University of Denver Law Review’s Online Supplement:
If you’re interested in the role of blogs in legal education, you might also enjoy Of Empires, Independents, and Captives: Law Blogging, Law Scholarship, and Law School Rankings by J. Robert Brown, Jr., and David I. C. Thomson’s book Law School 2.0: Legal Education for a Digital Age. Thomson argues that the new electronic media can–and should–lead to more profound changes in legal education than anything that has occurred in the last hundred years. If you want to check out some of the book’s ideas before buying, a 2008 paper by Thomson sets up the issue, and another paper details how legal writing can be taught well in an online-only class.
Some really good links.
I am curious about working with an Online Supplement to a journal? Does anyone have any experiences? I have an article forthcoming about McDonald and Privileges or Immunities that will likely hit the stands in January, but I would like to possibly get a shortened version online sooner. Does anyone know if articles cite to online supplements of law reviews?