About twice a year, the District Court in Johnstown hosts a naturalization ceremony, and administers the oath of citizenship to new citizens of the United States.
Judge Gibson began by reading from Section I of the Fourteenth Amendment.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.
As a textualist, this is music to my ears.
The Assistant U.S. Attorney who petitioned for their admission to the country told the new citizens that they are now part of “We the People.” That brought smiles to all of their faces.
After the ceremony, Judge Gibson took the time to shake hands and take a photo with each new citizen on the bench. He gave each citizen a miniature American Flag. I personally welcomed each and every one of them to our great nation. Next time we have a naturalization ceremony, I will hand out pocket constitutions.
This was a very touching and moving ceremony, and makes me so proud to be an American.