Justice Ginsburg Hospitalized last night, released this morning.

October 15th, 2009

SCOTUSBlog Reports:

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg spent a night in the hospital Wednesday after experiencing an “adverse reaction” to medication, the Supreme Court reported Thursday morning.  She had boarded a plane that was to take her to London where she and other members of the Court were to attend opening ceremonies this week for Britain’s new Supreme Court.

According to the Court’s statement: “Prior to the plane taking off, the Justice experienced extreme drowsiness causing her to fall from her seat.  Paramedics were called and the Justice was taken to the Washington Hospital Center as a precaution.”  After an examination, “she was found to be in stable health,” it added. Held overnight for observation, she was released Thursday morning, the statement said.

This marked the second time in recent days that the 76-year-old Justice was hospitalized after reacting to medication.  Late in September, she stayed overnight after feeling ill an hour after receiving an injection for an iron deficiency.  She returned to work the following day.

In Wednesday’s episode, the Court said Thursday, Justice Ginsburg experienced “an apparent adverse reaction to a sleeping aid combined with cold medication she took immediately after boarding” the overnight flight.  At the hospital later, “doctors attributed her symptoms to a reaction caused by the combination of a prescription sleeping aid and an over-the-counter cold medication,” the statement said.

Justice Stephen G. Breyer was also on the sane fight, but he rescheduled after Justice Ginsburg had fallen ill.  He took a later flight.  Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., and Justice Antonin Scalia are also attending the ceremonies in Britain.  Because of the time demands for flights and the schedule for the ceremonies, Justice Ginsburg’s hospital stay apparently will prevent her from attending.

Jim Lingdren at Volokh Reports:

MSNBC is reporting that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was hospitalized after she fell out of her seat in an airplane before takeoff. “Extreme drowsiness” from a combination of prescription sleeping pills and OTC cold medicine was blamed.

Our prayers are with Justice Ginsburg.