For those of you who may not know me, I have an unhealthy hobby of collecting constitutions autographed by Judges, Professors, and other people I admire. One day I’ll post some pictures, but I have dozens. Thus, my next poll question.
At the Constitution in 2020 Conference, I’d like to bring home a souvenir.
Choice A. A signed copy of the actual book, the Constitution in 2020, as most of the authors will be in attendance.
Choice B. A pocket Federalist Society constitution signed by the authors of the Constitution in 2020.
I’m leaning to Choice B, as I think it would be pretty funny to have the Constitution of 1787 signed by the authors of the authors of the Constitution of 2020. And considering how the authors of the Constitution of 2020 treated the Constitution on their cover, I think it would be appropriate to get their John Hancocks right on it.
What say you?
[polldaddy poll=2063541]