Instalanche! My New Blog, linked to by Instapundit, Gets Flooded!

September 30th, 2009

I officially launched this blog last night. This morning I wrote a post about the Cert Grant in McDonald v. Chicago, and within minutes Instapundit link to my site.

One hour later, I have over 800 hits!

This is a classic case of the Instalanche! H/T Ilya Shapiro for tipping me on to this term.

I hope everyone enjoys this blog, and checks it out from time to time.

Update: (1:30 PM EST) I just hit 1,200 hits.

Update: (2:15 PM EST) I just hit 1,400 hits.

Update: (2:35 PM EST) I just hit 1,500 hits.

Update: (5:00 PM EST) I just hit 1,800 hits.

Update: (7:40 PM EST) I just hit 2,000 hits.