Just uploaded the final draft of my Eminent Domain article to SSRN. The article is titled Equal Protection from Eminent Domain. Protecting the Home of Olech’s Class of One. I will shortly send it off to the Loyola Law Review. So far, I have had an amazing experience working with them, and I have full faith that their staff will make this article as perfect as possible.
Many thanks to Randy Barnett, Dana Berliner, Kathryn Ciano, Steven Eagle, Adam Mossoff, Clark Neily, Yaakov Roth, Ilya Shapiro, and Ilya Somin for their comments and suggestions. I was quite fortunate to have so many scholars in the area offer their expertise.
And, to continue my tradition of dedicating each article to a founding father, this article goes out to the namesake of my J.D., the father of the Virginia Declaration of Rights, and an opponent to a Constitution without a Bill of Rights; George Mason!
I am really excited about the prospects for this article. The equal protection clause, combined with the class of one from Village of Willowbrook v. Olech, can serve as a potent weapon to challenge eminent domain abuse. Hopefully some litigator somewhere will pick up this article and state a claim in court based on my framework.