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“The Next Generation of Legal Entrepreneurs.”

November 1st, 2011

At the cool new Law School Review Blog, Professor Henderson has this to say about the next generation of legal entrepeneurs:

Specifically, the artisan craft of lawyering is gradually giving ground to a new generation of legal entrepreneurs that use new technologies and businesses processes to improve quality and reduce costs of various legal products and services. The thrust of this movement is to standardize, offshore or automate many of the tasks formally performed by U.S.-licensed lawyers.  This tech-driven approach will dramatically improve lawyer productivity; yet, it is also likely to reduce the demand for traditionally trained law school graduates.

In the years to come, many of the most lucrative, challenging and innovative opportunities will lie at the intersection of law and other disciplines.  Law schools are ill-equipped to teach many of these critical competencies, such as teamwork, collaboration, project management, finance, marketing, statistics, knowledge management and effective communication across knowledge domains.  This retooling challenge entails both new substantive knowledge and unfamiliar teaching methods.  Regarding the latter, most of these skills and competencies require experiential teaching—i.e., learning by doing.

Here is the brutal truth: the resources to pay for this retooling are going to have to come at the expense of traditional scholarship. Time is our primary asset; this is a painful tradeoff because scholarship is the most enjoyable part of the job for many  law professors.  Further, unlike prolific scholarly writing, retooling curriculum does not enhance one’s prospects of getting a lateral appointment, so many law professors will not come to this party willingly.

Also the interaction in the comments between Bill and Orin Kerr is worthwhile.

Orin says:


I’m relatively skeptical of your take on this, and I wanted to run the reason by you and get your reaction.

When I have asked a few peers who are in the business of practicing law if they think we are undergoing a major change in the legal market, or if we are just experiencing the usual cyclical pains of a recession, they generally respond that they think we are seeing the latter rather than the former. So that means that you as an academic are saying one thing about what is happening in the legal market, and the group I have spoken with who are actually in the legal market generally are saying another.

My question is, have you encountered the same skepticism among practicing lawyers that I have found in my (very modest) inquiries? If not, can you say more about what you have found when you talk to everyday practicing lawyers about these issues? And if so, can you give us some idea as to why you think you are right and the practicing lawyers are wrong?

Bill replies:

Orin, you raise a fair point and something I encounter often.

I have summarized the underlying data for my structural change / new legal entrepreneur analysis several places including the ABA Journal:

And more recently, the Truth on the Market symposium on deregulation of legal services:

Lawyers generally don’t consult industry level data. When I talk to groups of practicing lawyers–and I do so regularly–and I show them trendlines and comparisons with other industries that have undergone structural change, very few continue to advance the deep recession argument because such an analysis just does not fit the industry level trendlines.

In the literature on industry change, incumbent denial and flatfootedness is a recurring theme; indeed, it is the reason for the new entrant opportunity.

When a lawyer’s phone is ringing and he/she has enough work and has earned a high living over a period of decades, I can be dismissed as an ivory tower Cassandra. I understand and accept this dynamic. I encounter it all the time. But I am focused on industry level evidence and discussions I have with a wide range of practicing lawyers and entrepreneurs. Applyng Occam’s Razor, I look for the explanation that requires the fewest assumptions. Structural change fits; it has happened in other industries; now it is law’s turn.

I hope my comment is responsive to your question. Thank you for commenting. Bill H.

The resistance to change, especially among lawyers, is so strong, it does not surprise me that practicing lawyers do not see the changes. How long did it take lawyers to take to email? Now they can’t be pried from their blackberries.

Update: More from Ribstein here:

Here’s my take on the future of legal education in light of the developments he describes.  It seems clear that conventional law jobs are rapidly being replaced by technology, there is significant political and competitive pressure on the existing regulatory model, and that changes in the profession will accelerate with deregulation. These shifts are occurring apart from problems in the economy.  Indeed, these changes will increase as the economy, and therefore environment for innovation, improves. In other words, a significant portion of the legal profession may be left behind by the recession’s end.

Think what even a 30% decline in the demand for legal education (or more if tuition continues to increase) would mean for legal education.  The law schools outside the first tier in places with poor legal job markets will be left stranded.  All law schools outside the very top will have to scramble for position by changing their products.

Exactly what law schools should be doing is unclear.  This is not a time to set in place a complete revamp that could get the market’s direction wrong. But law schools are foolhardy if they think they can continue to bury their collective heads in the sand because of the soothing noises they’re hearing from their (currently) successful alumni.

” In the future the machines will do the mechanical stuff. Legal experts will be needed to craft policy and design legal software.”

October 29th, 2011

More from Larry Ribstein on the future of legal education based on the University of Chicago’s recent move to rehabilitate law and econ (summary here)

I recently discussed this market-oriented perspective on law teaching in my article, Practicing Theory.  The article’s basic point is that deregulation and fundamental changes in the market for legal expertise, particularly including those driven by technology, will  force law schools to think harder about how to make their students more competitive.  Unlike many commentators on legal education, I don’t think this involves more trial practice, clinics and externships in law schools, but rather a refocusing of the theoretical and policy-oriented work that is legal education’s traditional comparative advantage.

More specifically, we need better integration of law and technology.  We should also focus on legal architecture or engineering rather than the mechanics of applying received legal wisdom.  In the future the machines will do the mechanical stuff.  Legal experts will be needed to craft policy and design legal software.

So the question is, how can the theory and practice of law and economics best meet these market needs? Richard Posner comes closest to this general sentiment when he says “economic analysis of law may lose influence by becoming too esoteric, too narrow, too hermetic, too out of touch with the practices and institutions that it studies.”

David Weisbach offers what may be the most practical suggestion — more thinking about the use of computational models in law.  As he says,  this

is a very different view of legal analysis—it views problems as engineering problems that we model and test. It is empirical, practical, and solution-driven. The role of the legal scholar is to help frame problems, to think about how institutional structures affect the framing, to suggest solutions, and to help interpret and evaluate results.

The Hastings Strategic Plan

October 7th, 2011

Larry Ribstein and Dank Katz write about the UC Hastings “Strategic Plan.”

Larry isn’t impressed:

The plan (HT Leiter) has got everything, down to thinking about a mascot and faculty op-eds.

But I don’t see any planning for the future of legal education in the new legal information industry Hasting’s students will have to confront. This would seem to be sufficiently “strategic” to deserve some consideration.

Neither is Dan:

Lets just check the scoreboard for a moment:  UC Hastings is an institution that is just a few miles from the technology center of the entire world (click for the fun map) (what an unbelievable factor endowment!). So, in light of this fact, the UC-Hastings “strategic plan” basically makes no mention of the new legal information industry and how the institution might “strategically position” its students for technology infused Lawyering of the 21st Century.

“Software could kill lawyers. Why that’s good for everyone else.” (Lawyers too!)

October 1st, 2011

An interesting piece from Slate that interviews Dan Katz at MSU (who I’ve blogged about before):

There’s no easy answer. The legal industry is one of the few remaining outposts of the corporate world whose operations are dictated mainly by human experience. Basic questions that anyone would want to know before committing to a million-dollar case—How likely is it that I’ll win? How good are my lawyers? Should I settle?—can’t be answered with certainty. “There’s a culture in the law around expertise,” says Daniel Katz, an assistant professor at the Michigan State University College of Law who is among the vanguard of legal researchers working to bring empiricism and artificial intelligence into law. “There’s a lot of human intuition, and people tend to think that whatever legal knowledge they have is uniquely human, and not subjectable to data and computers and automation.” . . .

In the last few years, the law has seen a rush of technological innovation, all stemming from computers’ increasing capacity to decipher and understand written documents. Many law firms now use “e-discovery” tools that can scan large caches of evidence in search of interesting facts and figures. Firms also have software to draft legal documents in a fraction of the time a human would take. And a few services on the horizon might do even more—negotiate the terms of a contract, for instance, or determine whether or not you should sue.

Automation will bring legal services to the masses. Many people who ought to hire an attorney to handle business or personal disputes can’t afford to do so. Software could potentially step in when you want to fight your mortgage lender, draw up contracts to start a small business, or sue for child-support payments

The article notes that this is bad news for lawyers.

While legal automation will be a boon for those who can’t afford representation, it’s bad news for lawyers. The industry is already in a slump, and law school is no longer seen as a sure path to riches. Because software will allow fewer lawyers to do a lot more work, it’s sure to drive down both price and demand.

“In Illinois, where I live, you see vast stretches of unoccupied land—because you no longer need people to farm the corn and soybeans that we grow around here,” says Larry Ribstein, a professor at the University of Illinois College of Law who has written several papers on the information technology revolution in law. “When I look at soybean fields now, I think of lawyers.”

The article has some examples:

Yet if you look at the tasks most lawyers perform each day, you find many that machines can handle. Language processing, grappling with complex logic, making predictions about situations involving several variables—computers are getting better at all of this stuff.

Consider that most pedestrian of legal tasks: writing up a business contract. In her career, an attorney might design thousands of contracts, many of which contain numbingly similar bits of language. Now, several legal tech companies have created programs that build these documents automatically. These pieces of software work a bit like TurboTax, asking a series of questions and using branching logic to delve deeper into specific areas. Matt Kesner, the chief information officer of the pioneering Silicon Valley law firm Fenwick & West, told me that document-creation programs save its clients time and money. Last year, Fenwick developed a system that automatically creates the documents that startups need when incorporating. “It reduced the average time we were spending from about 20 to 40 hours of billable time down to a handful of hours,” Kesner says. “In cases with even extensive documents, we can cut the time of document creation from days and weeks to hours.”

E-discovery software has been similarly revolutionary. These systems can mine huge volumes of material (like all the email correspondence in a civil suit) for damning evidence. The simplest software looks for specific keywords, but more sophisticated systems can detect patterns of behavior that might interest lawyers. This was the sort of work that once consumed the lives of first-year associates; now computers do it faster, at lower cost, and with about as much success as humans.

I (and Ribstein likely would) disagree. Changes in legal education to train the next generation of lawyers to develop and use automated tools is the key.

The barrier to change will not be from technological limitations, but from cartelized barriers to entry. Specifically, the fact that services like Pacer are locked down (I hope to address this in the near future).

At the moment, human lawyers have one thing on their side: The legal world is generally suspicious of automation, and in some respects downright inhospitable to it. To build his legal-prediction system, Daniel Katz needs a large cache of case documents. But such databases aren’t readily available. Courts publish written decisions, but other data—like case filings and motions—are locked in databases like the federal courts’ PACER system, which charges a fee for access. Until that information is easier to extract, human lawyers will have an edge.

But just as the rules and regulations protecting human pharmacists won’t be around forever, lawyers shouldn’t take comfort in today’s imperfect databases and software. Katz and other researchers are working on ways to extract and interpret historical data—one project, calledRECAP, aims to build a free mirror of PACER. And in some specialized areas of the law, data analysis is already widespread. In 2008, a group of attorneys and technologists at Stanford created the Intellectual Property Litigation Clearinghouse, a project that tracks more than 100,000 patent and trademark lawsuits. The database—which Stanford spun off last year into a start-up called Lex Machina—is the most comprehensive collection of patent suits ever assembled, and it has already helped overturn some bedrock beliefs in patent law. For years, patent attorneys believed that courts in the Northern District of California tended to be friendly to defendants, while courts in the Eastern District of Texas favored plaintiffs—a line of thinking that routinely prompted lawyers to go venue shopping. “But when we checked in the Northern District of California, plaintiffs were winning more on trial—the opposite of conventional wisdom,” says Joshua Walker, Lex Machina’s CEO.

Katz closes with a great line:

If automation brings more people legal services, at lower prices, while also pruning the ranks of human lawyers, I suspect most readers will consider that a win, win, win. And in the long run, this could well be. The trouble is that the path from here to there will be rocky—many firms will be shuttered, an ever-larger number of newly minted young attorneys will fail to find work, and a huge industry’s economic prospects will fade.

Still, of all the professions I’ve covered so far, the prospects for the legal industry seem the least awful. Sure, lawyers will suffer, but the rest of us will benefit. “The law doesn’t exist to provide jobs for lawyers,” Katz says. “That’s not its function in society. It’s there to help people solve problems—and if we could serve more people with fewer lawyers, I don’t think that’s an unreasonable path to take.”

“The question is how long will U.S. lawyers be able to hide from the rest of the world behind their regulatory wall.”

September 27th, 2011

Larry Ribstein ponders whether the United States would recognize Indian law firms.