At some point over the last week, I published my 10,000th blog post on I launched the blog on September 29, 2009. Over the course of seven years and four months, I’ve averaged about 113 blog posts per month, or a bit less than 4 a day. I wrote my 9,000th post in September 2015, 8,000th in August 2014, 7,500th in April 2014, 6,000th in July 2013, 5,000th in December 2012, 4,000th in April 2012, 3,500th in February 2012, 3,000th in November 2011, 2,000th in November 2011, and 1,500th in January 2011. As some readers may have discerned, over the past year I tried to deliberately slow down on blogging to focus more on longer-form pieces in National Review and elsewhere.
However, if the last three weeks are any indication, things are moving too quickly to wait for publications. My current strategy is to react to breaking news with lengthy twitter threads (sometimes 20 or 30 tweets deep), and then copy those tweets into a blog post. It’s not as elegant as the old instant analyses of days gone by, but it allows me to quickly reach many more people in a short time. Since the inauguration, my Twitter follower count has jumped from 6,500 to nearly 9,000. Readers who wish to get my quickest take can check the twitter feed in the right-hand column of this site, or (I would strongly encourage you to) join Twitter. You don’t need to tweet–only follow.