Today Pope Benedict XVI left Vatican City and will return as Pope Emeritus. In the Vatican, it is Sede Vacante. Though the Conclave has not yet begun, members on FantasyPope are already expressing their opinions about who the next Pope will be.
After the first day, here are the top 5 Papables:
1. Pres. Peter Turkson – 16%
Leading the votes is Peter Turkson, the President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace.
2. Abp. Angelo Scola – 12%
In second place is Angelo Scola, the Archbishop of Milan.
3. Pref. Marc Ouellet – 12%
In third place is the only Canadian Papable, Marc Ouellet, Prefect of the Congregation of Bishops.
4. Unknown – 9%
The fourth vote-getter is an unknown–not one of the top 15 Papables we selected. It is impossible to list everyone, so if you aren’t sure, vote “Unknown.”
5. Abp. John Onaiyekan – 6%
In 5th place is John Onaiyekan, Archbishop of Abuja.
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