Apparently Mises Daily publishes in spanish, and translated part of my post on Caylee Anthony and Black Swans:
El abogado Josh Balckman comentaba:
Si un padre matara realmente a su hija, ¿creen que se lo diría a la policía para no violar alguna ley federal? El propósito de esta ley, como la de las leyes que obligan a notificar a la policía la pérdida de armas de fuego, es permitir a la policía arrestar fácilmente a alguien, sin causa suficiente para demostrar que cometió el delito subyacente.
I am told the translation is accurate. Here is the English:
If a parent actually killed her daughter, do you think she would tell the police so as not to violate some random federal statute. The purpose of this law, much like laws requiring that people notify the police about lost guns, is to allow the police to easily arrest someone, without sufficient cause to show they committed the underlying offense–whether it is a gun crime, or murder.
H/T Militza