I would like to tap the collective wisdom of the crowds that read this blog (and there are quite a lot of you), and bleg a bit.
If anyone knows any literary agents who may be interested in our new book, Constitutional Places, Constitutional Faces, please drop me a line at jblackman@harlaninstitute.org. Here is a brief description of the Project:
Constitutional Places, Constitutional Faces will bring the Constitution to life by shining a light on the faces and places that gave rise to famous Supreme Court cases, and telling their stories. All too often, law school and legal practice reduce the Constitution to nothing more than a series of rules, holdings, and three-part tests, neglecting the human disputes that sparked the very cases articulating those rules. Behind all constitutional cases are stories, stories of actual people who are affected by the rule of law. This volume will take the reader through a visual tour of some of the most famous cases in constitutional law history. Along this journey, the reader will see some rare archived photos of the people and places involved; hear the facts of the cases retold from a human perspective; and most importantly, learn the history and see photographs of what happened to those people and places after the Supreme Court decided their fates. This collection highlights the places and faces of constitutional law in order to illuminate the text, history, and modern-day relevance of our Constitution.
We have a full proposal, annotated table of contents, sample chapters, and other materials available upon request. I have already made contact with a number of agents, and am trying to spread the net as broadly as possible.