Josh Blackman is a national thought leader on constitutional law and the
United States Supreme Court.
1. Professor
Since 2012, Josh has served as a professor at the South Texas College of Law Houston. Josh is a Nonresident Scholar at the Georgetown Center for the Constitution.
2. Policy
Josh's work was quoted during two presidential impeachment trials. He has testified before Congress and advises federal and state lawmakers.
3. Televison
Josh regularly appears on TV, including NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox, and BBC.
4. Radio
Josh is also a frequent guest on NPR and other syndicated radio

5. Commentary
Josh has published commentaries in the New York Times, Wall Street
Journal, Washington Post, and leading national publications.

6. Author
7. Scholar
Josh has written more than five dozen law review articles that have
been cited nearly a thousand times.

8. Non-Profit
Josh is the founder and President of the Harlan Institute, which hosts the Virtual Supreme Court competition.
9. Legal Tech
Josh is the founder of FantasySCOTUS, the Internet's Premier Supreme Court Fantasy League.
10. Social

Josh Blackman
Follow @JoshMBlackman