On Thursday, November 11, the Harlan Institute will be virtually visiting classrooms in 7 states, and 1 Canadian province, as part of our inaugural SCOTUS Skype Teach-A-Thon. Our dedicated volunteers will lead discussions on the Constitution, the Supreme Court, and some of the top cases this term, including Snyder v. Phelps and Schwarzenneger v. EMA.
Here are the schools we will be visiting:
- Verona High School, in Verona, NJ
- Walshingham Academy, in Williamsburg, VA
- Coldwater High School, in Coldwater, MI
- Frisco CTE Center, in Frisco, Texas
- Sioux Central CSD, in Sioux Rapids, IA
- York High School, in York, PA
- Trenton High School, in Trenton, Ontario, Canada
We will be recording several of the lectures, and will post the video shortly.
If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out this mentoring form.
If you are interested is interested in participating in our next Skpe-A-Thon, please sign up your class at FantasySCOTUS.org andrequest a mentor for your class.