I’ve argued that SCOTUS should get on Twitter. But Ohio is now considering using Twitter to announce executions. What a terrible idea.
A spokeswoman says Ohio’s prison system has contemplated using Twitter to announce when an execution has been completed.
However, Communications Director Julie Walburn at the Department of Rehabilitation and Correction says she’s concerned that tweeting about an inmate’s time of death may be considered in poor taste.
She says the department still hasn’t decided how to use Twitter and other social media to disseminate news.
Walburn says she’s focused on trying to get the word out about executions quickly. When condemned inmate Darryl Durr died by lethal injection at 10:36 a.m. Tuesday, a news release was e-mailed to media outlets one minute later.
Announcing cert grants? Good use of web 2.0. Announcing executions? Bad use of Web 2.0.