Update: From the Transcript, THOMAS DID SPEAK:
JUSTICE SCALIA: She was a graduate of Yale law school, wasn’t she?
MS. SIGLER: She’s a very impressive attorney.
JUSTICE SCALIA: And another of his counsel, Mr. Singer — of the three that he had — he was a graduate of Harvard law school, wasn’t he?
MS. SIGLER: Yes, Your Honor.
JUSTICE SCALIA: Son of a gun.
JUSTICE THOMAS: Well — he did not - (Laughter.)
MS. SIGLER: I would refute that, Justice Thomas.
JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR: Counsel, do you want to define constitutionally adequate counsel? Is it anybody who’s graduated from Harvard and Yale?
JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR: Or even just passed the Bar?
Holy Cow!
SCOTUSBlog seems to think so.
[tweet https://twitter.com/SCOTUSblog/status/290874379296972800]
And Art Lien got a pic!
[tweet https://twitter.com/Courtartist/status/290869726740111361]
[tweet https://twitter.com/policyjunkie/status/290881533764567040]
[tweet https://twitter.com/MikeScarcella/status/290879862053408769]
[tweet https://twitter.com/LarryAdamSmith/status/290879669656498176]
[tweet https://twitter.com/SupremeHaiku/status/290878857836384256]
[tweet https://twitter.com/Courtartist/status/290869726740111361]
Update: It seems Justice Thomas took a pot shot at an Attorney who went to Yale.
[tweet https://twitter.com/policyjunkie/status/290889100112822274]