Unraveled will be published on September 27. The final proofs will be going through the editing process between July 25 and August 8. I am looking for volunteers to help crowdsource the proofs. To make this feasible, each volunteer will receive one chapter to review (about 20 pages), with a fairly short window to review it (2 days or so). At this late stage, I am only looking to fix typos, grammatical errors, or factual mistakes. No disagreements about usage and style.
As a reward, in addition to my eternal thanks, you’ll get a PDF of the book–though I hope you can also buy a copy when it’s released. There are 32 chapters, so I only need a limited number of volunteers. If you’re interested, and able to turn a chapter around on a fairly short basis, please drop me a line: josh at josh blackman dot com. Thanks!