I must confess error. I am adding to the chaos that is the Battle of the Ilyas. At the Federalist Society Black-Tie dinner, Ilya Shapiro (the one at Cato) was seated at a table with several federal judges. Shortly after they were seated I walked up to Shapiro, and said in earshot of the judge who was sitting next to him, “Oh Ilya, how is your new book on Kelo coming along?” For the remainder of the dinner, the judge thought Ilya was Somin. But, like a professional, Shapiro continued to talk about Kelo. (The Judge ribbed me after dinner when the judge realized what was up. It was all in good fun).
My calls for another round of the Battle of the Ilyas have been picking up steam. None other than Justice Don Willett, the top twitterer on the Texas Supreme Court has called for one.
Why bother having #FedSoc2014 unless it showcases The Thrilla of the Ilyas!@ishapiro vs @IlyaSomin
The smart $ is on Ilya!#FedSoc2013
— Judge Don Willett (@JusticeWillett) November 16, 2013
#FedSoc2014 would be epic if panelists had speaker-specific walk-up music as they approached the mic. Plus a smoke tunnel. #FedSoc2013
— Judge Don Willett (@JusticeWillett) November 16, 2013
Let’s make it happen!