Romney Courting The Jersey Shore Vote

September 14th, 2012

It seems that Mitt Romney is a fan of Snooki!

Romney held hands with his wife, Ann, during a lighthearted interview that delved into topics rarely found on the Sunday talk show circuit and gave the Republican nominee a chance to show his knowledge of pop culture. Like whether he knew much about MTV’s “Jersey Shore” star Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi.

“I’m kind of a Snooki fan,” Romney confessed. “Look how tiny’s she’s gotten. She’s lost weight. She’s energetic. Just her spark-plug personality is kind of fun.”

Romney equivocated about what aspects of the ACA he would repeal. I think its safe to say that now, Romney is targeting the Snooki tax! We now that years ago, our favorite pint-sized stumbler favored John McCain, because he would be opposed to the tanning tax–he is pale.

Don’t forget. There is a pending bill to repeal that pugnacious assault on liberty.

However, I think the ever-glowing Joe Biding has locked up the Jersey Shore vote.