Sanders, Schumer Support Repeal of Cadillac Tax. Clinton Still “Examining” It

September 24th, 2015

In Hillary Clinton’s speech yesterday, she did not come out in favor of repealing the Cadillac Tax, as early reports suggested. But Senators Sanders, Schumer, Leahy, Murphy, Blumenthal, and Bennet support a bill that would do just that.

Obama administration officials have dismissed talk of repeal because they say none of the bills — including one introduced by Sens. Dean Heller (R-Nev.) and Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) — have proposed a replacement for the estimated $87 billion in revenue from the tax.

Sanders said his bill would “strike the excise tax while demanding that repeal be paid for.” He proposed generating the revenue through “a surtax on the wealthiest people in this country,” which had been included in the House version of the Affordable Care Act.


Clinton is still “examining” the issue.